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12 search results for:

Malignant pleural effusion 

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  1. 12-04-2018 | Malignant pleural effusion | News | Article
    News in brief

    Outpatient talc pleurodesis supported for malignant pleural effusion

    The achievement of pleurodesis is twice as likely with the incorporation of talc administration into the outpatient indwelling pleural catheter protocol in patients with malignant pleural effusion, suggests the UK-based IPC-Plus trial. Click for an independent comment by interventional pulmonologist Christopher Gilbert

  2. 12-10-2021 | Malignant pleural effusion | News | Article

    Thoracic ultrasonography may lead to shorter pleurodesis hospital stays

    Using thoracic ultrasonography to guide pleurodesis leads to shorter hospital stays, with similar success rates, compared with standard care in people with malignant pleural effusion, SIMPLE study findings indicate.

  3. 17-12-2019 | Malignant pleural effusion | News | Article

    TAPPS shows no difference in outcomes by talc delivery method

    Individuals with malignant pleural effusion undergoing talc pleurodesis have comparable outcomes regardless of how the talc is delivered, shows a phase 3 trial reported in JAMA . Read the accompanying comment by pulmonologist Fabien Maldonado

  4. 02-08-2018 | Malignant pleural effusion | News | Article

    Breathlessness control comparable with daily, as-needed indwelling pleural catheter drainage

    In patients with malignant pleural effusion requiring an indwelling pleural catheter, daily drainage does not significantly improve breathlessness relative to symptom-driven drainage, shows the AMPLE-2 trial. Read the accompanying comment by pulmonologist Fabien Maldonado

  5. 19-12-2019 | Article

    Expert comment

    Fabien Maldonado provides an independent comment on the TAPPS trial of two talc delivery methods in patients with malignant pleural effusion.

  6. 12-04-2018 | Article

    Expert comment

    Comment on: Outpatient talc pleurodesis supported for malignant pleural effusion

  7. 01-02-2018 | Teaser

    Expert comment: AMPLE trial

    Listen to Fabien Maldonado, from Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, give his views on the AMPLE trial, published in JAMA,  which aimed to establish the more effective technique for reducing the number of hospitalization days in patients with malignant pleural effusion.

  8. play
    01-02-2018 | Malignant pleural effusion | Podcast | Video

    Expert comment: AMPLE trial

    Listen to Fabien Maldonado, from Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, give his views on the AMPLE trial, which aimed to establish the more effective technique for reducing the number of hospitalization days in patients with malignant pleural effusion.

  9. 02-08-2018 | Article

    Expert comment

    Comment on: Breathlessness control comparable with daily, as-needed indwelling pleural catheter drainage

  10. 02-03-2017 | Liquid biopsy | Review | Article

    Integrating liquid biopsies into the management of cancer

    In one study 102,103 , the authors found that a signature comprising five miRNAs in the effusion samples was predictive of the overall survival of patients with NSCLC and malignant pleural effusion.

  11. 03-06-2016 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | Article

    European LeukemiaNet recommendations for the management and avoidance of adverse events of treatment in chronic myeloid leukaemia

    However, most of the pleural effusions are mild or moderate, with grade 3/4 reported in 4% 19 and low rates of dasatinib discontinuation due to this side effect during the first year. 83 In patients treated with bosutinib in second line, pleural effusions were detected in 4% by 2 years. 21 Kinetics: Pleural effusion needs long-term attention.

  12. 17-11-2015 | Hematologic cancers | Article

    Allogeneic transplantation for CML in the TKI era: striking the right balance

    More serious and life-threatening drug specific toxicities (such as pleural effusions, pulmonary hypertension and cardiac dysfunction) have been described after treatment with both second-generation and third-generation drugs 59, 65, 66 , which have also required cessation of the causative drug.

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