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173 search results for:

Hematologic cancers 

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  1. 26-10-2023 | Toxicities | Teaser

    Looking for coverage of ESMO 2023?

    There's a new home for news and congress coverage! Catch up on all the top stories and latest evidence in oncology research with our ESMO congress hub page.  Learn more »

  2. 12-05-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Meta-analysis highlights increased COVID-19 mortality risk in cancer patients

    Results of a large systematic review and meta-analysis show that people with cancer have a significantly greater risk for death from SARS-CoV-2 infection than their cancer-free peers, particularly if they have lung or hematologic cancer.

  3. 09-11-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Recent cancer treatment linked to poor COVID-19 outcomes

    Individuals with hematologic cancers also had significantly worse outcomes than those with nonmetastatic solid tumors, at ORs of 1.72, 1.44, 1.42, and 1.29 for mortality, hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, and ICU stays, respectively.

  4. 25-10-2021 | Geriatric patients | News | Article

    Chemotherapy-related toxic effects reduced with geriatric assessment-driven intervention

    The most common malignancies were gastrointestinal (33.4%), breast (22.5%), lung (16.0%), genitourinary (15.0%), and gynecologic (8.9%) cancers.

  5. 24-09-2021 | ESMO 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Long-term effects of COVID-19 not uncommon in cancer patients

    The most common tumor type in the cohort was breast cancer (23.4%), followed by genitourinary and gynecologic cancers (19.3%).

  6. 22-02-2021 | Quality of life | News | Article

    QoL data lacking for oncologic therapies when given regulatory approval

    At the time of approval, 6% of FDA indications and 9% of EMA indications met the ASCO-VF QoL bonus criteria, and 7% and 11%, respectively, met the ESMO-MCBS criteria, which excludes hematologic malignancies.

  7. 11-09-2020 | Risk factors | News | Article

    Cancer risk factors described for patients with SLE

    Half of the cancers occurred in smokers, including all of the patients who developed lung cancer.

  8. 08-09-2020 | Guidelines | News | Article

    Multiple language versions of NCCN guidelines now available

    medwireNews : The US National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) has released new and updated non-English translations  of its physician guidelines for several high-incidence cancers.

  9. 24-09-2020 | ESMO 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    FLIPPER: Postmenopausal breast cancer patients benefit from first-line palbociclib–fulvestrant

    Albanell said that, “as expected,” the most common adverse events (AEs) associated with palbociclib were hematologic, including grade 3–4 neutropenia (68.1%), leukopenia (26.6%), and lymphopenia (14.9%).

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