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  1. 21-01-2021 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Statins may mitigate anthracycline, trastuzumab cardiotoxicity risk

    Nonetheless, Abdel-Qadir et al believe that “[t]hese findings support the development of randomized controlled trials of statins for prevention of cardiotoxicity.”

  2. 31-05-2023 | Cardiotoxicity | News | Article

    Anthracyclines may increase heart failure risk among YA cancer survivors

    Anthracycline exposure in young adults who previously received cancer treatment is associated with a significantly elevated risk for heart failure.

  3. 08-09-2015 | Pediatric leukemia | Article

    Polymorphisms of ABCC5 and NOS3 genes influence doxorubicin cardiotoxicity in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    Krajinovic et al. investigate the utility of ABCC5 and NOS3 as biomarkers of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Krajinovic M et al. Pharmacogenomics J  2016; 16: 530–535. doi:10.1038/tpj.2015.63

  4. 06-04-2023 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Anthracycline-related heart failure risk highlighted for breast cancer, lymphoma survivors

    Research has confirmed that congestive heart failure is significantly more common in people given an anthracycline to treat breast cancer or lymphoma than among those given other types of chemotherapy, even after adjusting for confounding factors.

  5. 28-09-2022 | Lung cancer | News | Article

    Incidental sinoatrial node irradiation may increase AF risk in lung cancer

    Incidental irradiation of the sinoatrial node during lung cancer chemoradiotherapy may be associated with an increased risk for atrial fibrillation and death, research suggests.

  6. 14-07-2022 | Immunotherapy | News | Article

    ICIs associated with increased MACE risk

    People with cancer receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors have a significantly higher risk for major adverse cardiovascular events than their unexposed counterparts or the general population, indicate real-world findings.

  7. 11-03-2022 | Renal cell carcinoma | News | Article

    Troponin T linked to MACE risk in RCC patients receiving avelumab–axitinib

    High baseline levels of troponin T may increase the risk for major adverse cardiovascular events among advanced renal cell carcinoma patients receiving combination treatment with avelumab plus axitinib, suggest data from the JAVELIN Renal 101 trial.

  8. 03-09-2021 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Cardioprotection worthwhile in anthracycline-treated breast cancer

    Cardioprotective pharmacologic therapy may be effective against anthracycline-related subclinical heart damage in women with nonmetastatic breast cancer, with bisoprolol potentially offering greater benefits than ramipril, interim SAFE study data suggest.

  9. 07-06-2021 | ASCO 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Lisinopril may prevent trastuzumab–anthracycline-related LVEF decline

    Concurrent use of the ACE inhibitor lisinopril could help reduce the risk for left ventricular ejection fraction decline in women receiving trastuzumab and anthracyclines for HER2-positive early breast cancer, suggests US research.

  10. 12-05-2021 | ESMO Breast 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Low cardiac event rates with dual HER2 blockade in early breast cancer

    He also questioned whether “LVEF assessment by echocardiography [is] enough to assess cardiac safety,” as LVEF decline is a late effect of cardiotoxicity, and recommended the evaluation of global longitudinal strain to identify early subclinical LV dysfunction and the use of cardiac biomarkers in future trials. medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare Ltd. © 2021 Springer Healthcare Ltd, part of the Springer Nature Group ESMO Breast Cancer Virtual Congress 2021; 5–8 May

  11. 28-04-2021 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Cardiovascular AEs of prostate cancer hormone therapies reported

    An analysis of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System has provided detailed insight into cardiovascular adverse events associated with different classes of androgen deprivation therapies.

  12. 08-01-2021 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    Data suggest no causality between osimertinib use, cardiac AEs

    A review of data from the osimertinib clinical trials program has not identified a causal relationship between the use of the EGFR–tyrosine kinase inhibitor and cardiotoxicity among patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer.

  13. 08-03-2021 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Beta blocker carvedilol may slow breast cancer progression

    Therefore, drugs that block signaling via these receptors – such as the third-generation, nonselective, beta blocker carvedilol currently used for the management of cardiovascular disorders and chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity – are being investigated as anticancer therapeutics, they say.

  14. 18-12-2020 | Immunotherapy | News | Article

    Researchers call for increased awareness of cardiac events among ICI users

    People receiving immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy for lung cancer or malignant melanoma have a significantly increased risk for cardiovascular events, observational study data show.

  15. 03-06-2020 | ASCO 2020 | News | Article

    Anthracyclines of no benefit in stage II/III HER2-positive breast cancer

    Of note, significantly more patients in the non-anthracycline group completed a full year of trastuzumab treatment than in the anthracycline group (97 vs 89%), which van der Voort attributed to a higher rate of cardiotoxicity with the latter regimen.

  16. 27-03-2020 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    Osimertinib risk for cardiac adverse events highlighted

    The data suggest “that cardiotoxicity may not represent a cumulative dose-dependent phenomenon”, they write, noting that if pre-existing cardiovascular disease is a risk factor, it may be possible in the future to “predict which individuals are at high risk for untoward outcomes.”

  17. 30-01-2020 | Guidelines | News | Article

    ESMO cardiovascular toxicity care recommendations released

    Read more on these guidelines here

  18. 30-08-2019 | Immunotherapy | News | Article
    News in brief

    Risk factors for immunotherapy-related myocarditis pinpointed

    Certain patient groups generally considered at low risk for developing myocarditis may need careful monitoring if they are taking immune checkpoint inhibitors for cancer, say researchers.

  19. 31-08-2018 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    In other news: Breast cancer treatment effects

    The focus this month is on early and late treatment effects in patients with breast cancer, including effects on endometrial cancer risk, cardiotoxicity, and skin toxicity.

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