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  1. 28-11-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article
    News in brief

    Cancer screening uptake fails to return to prepandemic rates

    The rates of population-based screening and diagnosis of breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer in the USA in 2021 remained below those reported before the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers caution in  JAMA Oncology .

  2. 06-10-2022 | Screening | Adis Journal Club | Article

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Prostate Cancer Screening in the UK: A Decision Model Analysis Based on the CAP Trial

    The strategies were: no screening; five age-based screening strategies; adaptive screening, where men with an initial prostate-specific antigen level of < 1.5 ng/mL are screened every 6 years and those above this level are screened every 4 years; and two polygenic risk-stratified screening strategies.

  3. 05-08-2022 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Yearly PSA screening may reduce PCSM risk among Black men

    A cohort study has found a significant association between annual prostate-specific antigen screening and a reduced risk for prostate cancer-specific mortality among non-Hispanic Black, but not White, men.

  4. 11-07-2022 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    Cancer screening declined globally during COVID-19 pandemic

    A systematic review and meta-analysis has identified global decreases in breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  5. 27-06-2022 | Lung cancer | News | Article
    News in brief

    Updated USPSTF lung cancer screening criteria may reduce racial inequalities in uptake

    US research suggests that the expansion of the US Preventive Services Taskforce eligibility criteria for lung cancer screening in 2021 may be helping to lessen racial disparities in the uptake of screening.

  6. 11-04-2022 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Bone screening uncommon in men given ADT for prostate cancer

    Fewer than one in 10 older men initiating androgen deprivation therapy for localized or regional prostate cancer receive dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry screening to assess bone mineral density, US study findings indicate.

  7. 18-03-2022 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Screening MRI unnecessary to prevent mCRPC spinal cord compression

    Magnetic resonance imaging screening plus pre-emptive treatment does not significantly reduce clinical spinal cord compression rates in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer and spinal metastasis, PROMPTS trial data show.

  8. 16-11-2021 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Guideline change triggers increased PSA screening

    Rates of prostate-specific antigen testing have increased significantly since 2017, following the publication of guidelines reversing a previous recommendation against routine prostate cancer screening in young men, US researchers report.

  9. 20-10-2021 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Earlier breast screening for Black women may reduce racial mortality gaps

    Initiating biennial breast screening for Black women at age 40 years rather than the US standard of 50 years could substantially reduce Black–White breast cancer mortality disparities without increasing harms, modelling data suggest.

  10. 28-10-2021 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Physicians misjudge breast cancer genetic screening barriers for African Americans

    A survey of US oncologists and physicians has shown that their perceived barriers toward genetic counseling and testing for breast cancer vary by patients' race.

  11. 18-08-2021 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Novel blood-based algorithm outperforms PSA for prostate cancer screening

    The Stockholm3 risk prediction tool performs at least as well as prostate-specific antigen screening for the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer, research suggests.

  12. 23-08-2021 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    COVID-19-related drop in breast cancer screening may worsen pre-existing disparities

    A US study has found that breast cancer screening rates declined during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the largest reductions among Black and Latinx women, which may exacerbate pre-existing disparities.

  13. 14-07-2021 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    MRI-based biopsy approach supported for prostate cancer screening

    A population-based, screening-by-invitation trial has demonstrated that a combined MRI-guided plus standard biopsy approach is noninferior to standard biopsy with regard to the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer in men with increased prostate-specific antigen levels.

  14. 05-06-2021 | ASCO 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Regular PSA screening benefits young African–American men

    Regular prostate cancer screening in young African–American men significantly reduces the likelihood of metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, show study findings reported at the 2021 ASCO Annual Meeting.

  15. 24-05-2021 | Breast cancer | News | Article
    News in brief

    COVID-19 declines in breast cancer screening show sociodemographic inequities

    The declines in breast cancer screening during the COVID-19 pandemic are more marked among women from minority communities and those living in rural areas, report US researchers.

  16. 12-05-2021 | COVID-19 | News | Article

    COVID-19 leaves large cancer screening deficit in USA

    Breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer screening rates declined sharply during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA, and while they subsequently recovered, a large deficit remains, study findings indicate.

  17. 10-03-2021 | Lung cancer | News | Article

    USPSTF broadens lung cancer screening criteria

    The US Preventive Services Task Force has updated its recommendations for lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography among current and former smokers.

  18. 26-03-2021 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Short MRI protocol promising for community-based prostate cancer screening

    Biparametric magnetic resonance imaging identifies more clinically significant prostate cancers than prostate-specific antigen screening without increasing the rate of overdiagnosis or need for biopsies, suggest the IP1-PROSTAGRAM results.

  19. 03-03-2021 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Screening by clinical breast examination feasible for low, middle income countries

    Breast cancer screening by clinical breast examination is a viable approach in low and middle income countries, suggests an Indian cluster randomized controlled trial.

  20. 09-02-2021 | Lung cancer | News | Article
    WCLC 2020

    ​​​​​​​TALENT supports low-dose CT screening for high-risk never smokers

    The Taiwan Lung Cancer Screening in Never-Smoker Trial suggests that low-dose computed tomography screening may help to detect early-stage disease in never smokers at high risk for developing lung cancer.

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