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  1. 18-02-2022 | ASCO GU 2022 | Conference coverage | Article

    Darolutamide add-on prolongs survival in mHSPC

    However, darolutamide use did not significantly shorten the time to worsening of disease-related physical symptoms or time to initiation of opioids for 7 or more consecutive days.

  2. 15-12-2020 | SABCS 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    Use of addictive medications not uncommon after mastectomy

    US research has highlighted the risk for continued use of opioids and sedative-hypnotic drugs after mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.

  3. 15-03-2018 | Head and neck cancers | News | Article
    News in brief

    High odds of opioid prescriptions for head and neck cancer

    The likelihood of being prescribed opioids is greater for patients with head and neck cancer than for those with lung or colon cancer, findings indicate.

  4. 02-10-2018 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article
    News in brief

    Surgery type may predict long-term opioid use in early-stage NSCLC

    In an analysis of 3900 patients from the linked Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results and Medicare databases – 50.9% of whom had minimally invasive VATS – the likelihood of remaining on opioids between 90 and 180 days after surgery was significantly lower with VATS versus open resection, at an odds ratio (OR) of 0.69 after adjusting for factors such as age at diagnosis, sex, histology, and tumor size and site.

  5. 17-08-2017 | Pain | News | Article
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    Opioid use common in cancer survivors

    A Canadian population-based study shows higher prescribing rates for opioids among cancer survivors than in individuals without a prior cancer diagnosis.

  6. 11-10-2017 | Opioids | News | Article

    Naldemedine effective for opioid-induced constipation

    In addition, naldemedine was not associated with signs or symptoms of opioid withdrawal, which the authors suggest could have been a safety concern due to the “opposing pharmacology of naldemedine and opioids,” and it had no notable impact on opioid-mediated analgesia.

  7. 11-05-2017 | Oral cavity cancer | News | Article

    Oral cavity cancer surgery in focus

    The second study – led by John Pang, from the University of California San Diego in the USA – found that postsurgical chronic opioid use was “quite high” among 99 oral cavity cancer patients, with 41% still taking opioids more than 90 days after undergoing surgery.

  8. 01-01-2016 | Cancer pain | Article

    Fundamentals of cancer pain management

    This chapter reviews the array of approaches to treat cancer pain and discusses likely future trends. Smith TJ, O'Neil J. In: Supportive Cancer Care. Edited by Alberts D et al.  Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-24814-1_7

  9. 23-12-2014 | Cancer pain | Article

    Pain outcomes in patients with bone metastases from advanced cancer: assessment and management with bone-targeting agents

    This review article discusses pain and analgesic use assessment in patients with cancer-related pain and summarises pain outcomes in clinical studies of bone-targeting agents (e.g. bisphosphonates and denosumab). Patrick DL.  Support Care Cancer 2015; 23: 1157. DOI:10.1007/s00520-014-2525-4

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