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8 search results for:

Merkel cell carcinoma 

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  1. 28-03-2017 | Merkel cell carcinoma | Drug approval | Article

    Avelumab given accelerated approval for metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma

    medwireNews : The US FDA has given accelerated approval and orphan drug status for the use of avelumab in patients aged 12 years and older with metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma.

  2. 13-07-2022 | Immunotherapy | News | Article

    ICI therapy feasible in advanced cancer patients with kidney transplant using immunosuppression

    Their phase 1 study included 17 patients with incurable, locally advanced or metastatic tumors, namely cutaneous cell carcinoma (35%) or squamous cell carcinoma (18%) of the head and neck, cancers of the kidney (12%), liver (6%), lung (6%), or colon (6%), Merkel cell carcinoma (12%), or melanoma (6%) from three Australian hospitals.

  3. 06-07-2020 | FDA | News | Article

    Maintenance avelumab approved for advanced urothelial carcinoma after platinum chemotherapy

    Avelumab has previously been approved for the treatment of urothelial carcinoma that has progressed after platinum-based chemotherapy, as well as other indications including advanced renal cell carcinoma  in combination with axitinib, Merkel cell carcinoma , and lung cancer . 

  4. 25-09-2019 | EMA | News | Article

    Avelumab indication extended in Europe to advanced RCC

    Avelumab has previously been granted approval in Europe for the treatment of metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma.

  5. 05-02-2019 | Immunotherapy | News | Article

    Immune-related AEs linked to improved outcome on anti-PD-1 therapy

    Patients who develop immune-related adverse events while receiving anti-programmed cell death protein 1 antibodies for advanced cancer have a substantially greater treatment response than those with no such events, say researchers.

  6. 06-04-2018 | Clinical trial | News | Article

    In other news

    Among 1738 patients with advanced solid tumors or previously treated metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma, grade 3 or worse treatment- and immune-related adverse events (AEs) occurred in a corresponding 10.2% and 2.2% of participants, and led to discontinuation in 6.2% and 2.0%, respectively.

  7. 17-08-2017 | EMA | Drug approval | Article

    Multiple orphan medications get nod from EMA

    . --- The committee has recommended granting a marketing authorization to avelumab for the treatment of adults with metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma.

  8. 16-05-2017 | FDA | News | Article

    Avelumab, pembrolizumab indications expanded

    The programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibitor avelumab, recently given approval for metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma , may now be given to patients with urothelial carcinoma that has progressed during platinum-based chemotherapy or within a year of receiving a platinum-containing neoadjuvant or adjuvant regimen.

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