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16 search results for:

Lifestyle intervention 

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  1. 26-10-2023 | Toxicities | Teaser

    Looking for coverage of ESMO 2023?

    There's a new home for news and congress coverage! Catch up on all the top stories and latest evidence in oncology research with our ESMO congress hub page.  Learn more »

  2. 19-05-2022 | Lifestyle intervention | News | Article

    ASCO releases guideline on lifestyle changes during cancer treatment

    medwireNews : ASCO has provided evidence-based recommendations to guide lifestyle changes in people undergoing anticancer therapy.

  3. 25-08-2021 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    ERASE trial demonstrates beneficial effects of HIIT in men with prostate cancer

    In all, 88% completed a peak VO 2 test after the intervention period and 94% provided blood samples at this timepoint.

  4. 02-04-2019 | Immunotherapy | Video | Article

    Researcher comment: The impact of lifestyle factors on the gut microbiome and immunotherapy response

    Christine Spencer outlines her study investigating the effect of diet and supplements on gut microbiota and response to anti-PD-1 therapy in patients with metastatic melanoma, and discusses how the findings may be relevant to other tumor types (3:43).

  5. 06-06-2018 | Lifestyle intervention | ASCO 2018 | Article

    Vigorous exercise reduces the risk for death in adult survivors of childhood cancer

    Vigorous exercise in early adulthood is associated with a decreased risk for death among adult survivors of childhood cancer, according to findings presented at the ASCO Annual Meeting 2018 in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

  6. 05-10-2017 | Colorectal cancer | Article

    Changes in adult BMI and waist circumference are associated with increased risk of advanced colorectal neoplasia

    Gathirua-Mwangi WG, Monahan P, Song Y et al. Dig Dis Sci 2017; 62:3177. doi:10.1007/s10620-017-4778-5

  7. 03-10-2017 | Breast cancer | Article

    Sedentary time and postmenopausal breast cancer incidence

    This study evaluated the prospective association between sedentary time and postmenopausal breast cancer incidence, and whether associations differ by race/ethnicity, physical activity levels, and body measurements. Nomura SJO, Dash C, Sheppard VB et al. Cancer Causes Control 2017. doi:10.1007/s10552-017-0968-x

  8. 30-09-2017 | Colorectal cancer | Article

    Eight-week, multimodal exercise counteracts a progress of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and improves balance and strength in metastasized colorectal cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial

    Gouverneur A, Claraz P, Rousset M et al. Target Oncol 2017. doi:10.1007/s11523-017-0529-y

  9. 23-04-2018 | Survivorship | Editorial | Article

    Challenges of an aging and increasingly obese breast cancer survivor population: Are we ready?

    The general public should be educated on preventing obesity though lifestyle changes and recognizing obesity as a serious medical condition with significant associated health risks.

  10. 22-08-2017 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Osteoporosis drugs counter deleterious effects of ADT on bone health

    The meta-analysis included two systematic reviews and 28 reports of 27 clinical trials evaluating the effects of a drug, supplement, or lifestyle intervention on bone health in men with nonmetastatic disease who were initiating or continuing ADT.

  11. 20-12-2016 | Colorectal cancer | Article

    Surveillance after curative treatment for colorectal cancer

    The early discovery of recurrent disease is only useful, however, if the patient's condition — in terms of performance status — allows for repeated therapeutic intervention, and if the patient's preference is to explore any opportunity for repeated treatment.

  12. 12-02-2016 | Epidemiology | Article

    Aspirin and colorectal cancer: the promise of precision chemoprevention

    As such, further investigation into lifestyle modifiers of aspirin chemoprevention, such as cigarette smoking, is warranted.

  13. 03-06-2016 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | Article

    European LeukemiaNet recommendations for the management and avoidance of adverse events of treatment in chronic myeloid leukaemia

    Here it is important to note that, while it is sensible to treat comorbidities optimally (for example, the control of hyperlipidemia) or to change food or lifestyle, there are only very scarce data on whether this mitigates the incidence or severity of AEs.

  14. 27-01-2015 | Breast cancer | Article

    Current management of lesions associated with an increased risk of breast cancer

    Hence, good evidence supports the current National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines for active surveillance of women with ADH, ALH, and LCIS, in which clinical breast examination every 6–12 months and annual mammography are recommended. 72 The potential of lifestyle interventions, including increasing physical activity, maintaining an ideal body weight, and lowering the use of alcohol as risk-reduction strategies, in high-risk women has attracted great interest.

  15. 13-04-2021 | AACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Healthy lifestyle may attenuate lethal prostate cancer risk

    Men with a high genetic risk for developing prostate cancer may be able to offset the risk for lethal disease by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, findings indicate.

  16. 17-07-2018 | Survival | News | Article
    News in brief

    Alcohol use, physical inactivity after cancer diagnosis linked to poor survival

    US researchers stress the need for effective interventions to reduce alcohol use and increase physical activity in patients with advanced cancer.

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