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10 search results for:

Fiona Blackhall 

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  1. 26-09-2017 | ESMO 2017 | Image

    Fiona Blackhall

  2. 12-10-2022 | Lung cancer | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Oncology and Therapy

    The Role of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Assessing Smoking Status and Cessation for Patients with Lung Cancer

    Authors: James Convill, Fiona Blackhall, Janelle Yorke, Corrine Faivre-Finn & Fabio Gomes Abstract Introduction Smoking cessation following lung cancer diagnosis is recommended to improve patient outcomes.

  3. 06-06-2018 | Teaser

    Meet the Editorial Board

    Our international Editorial Board members Dr Fiona Blackhall (Christie Hospital, Manchester, UK) and Dr Axel Merseburger (University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) work closely with the editorial team to highlight gaps in coverage and select topics to feature on this digital platform.

  4. 17-05-2019 | Small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    CTCs prognostic in limited-stage SCLC

    Therefore, Fiona Blackhall , from the Christie NHS Foundation Trust in Manchester, UK, and co-investigators drew on the phase III CONVERT trial that investigated once-daily versus twice-daily chemoradiotherapy with curative intent in a cohort of 547 limited-stage SCLC patients.

  5. 04-01-2018 | Small-cell lung cancer | Conference report | Article

    Progress in small cell lung cancer: an update from the 2017 IASLC World Conference on Lung Cancer, Yokohama, Japan

    Advisory Board member Fiona Blackhall discusses the major new results in small cell lung cancer presented at the 2017 IASLC World Conference on Lung Cancer, Yokohama, Japan.

  6. 17-10-2017 | EMA | News | Article
    Editor's pick

    No survival, QoL gain for many EMA cancer drug approvals

    Research published in The BMJ shows that around half of the anticancer drugs recently approved by the European Medicines Agency come with no clear evidence of an overall survival or quality of life benefit. Read the linked comment from Fiona Blackhall

  7. play
    26-09-2017 | ESMO 2017 | Video

    ESMO 2017: Unmet needs in lung cancer patients

    Advisory Board member Fiona Blackhall highlights key studies regarding unmet needs in lung cancer patients at the ESMO 2017 Congress. 

  8. 09-04-2019 | NICE | News | Article

    Durvalumab maintenance for unresectable NSCLC approved for UK patients

    Medicine Matters oncology Editorial Board member Fiona Blackhall said that this decision represents “real progress” for this patient population.  

  9. 26-07-2017 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | Editorial | Article

    Changing landscape of treatment for ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer

    Tremendous advances have been made in the treatment of ALK-positive lung cancers. Advisory Board member Fiona Blackhall summarizes recent developments in the field and discusses current management hurdles, including development of resistance to ALK inhibitors.

  10. 17-10-2017 | Fiona Blackhall | Article

    Advisory board comment

    Advisory board member Fiona Blackhall comments on The BMJ study showing no survival, QoL gain for many EMA cancer drug approvals.

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