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  1. 27-02-2022 | Head and neck cancers | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Advances in Therapy

    Managing Cachexia in Head and Neck Cancer: a Systematic Scoping Review

    This study aims to examine the treatment of cachexia in HNC patients.

  2. 04-09-2017 | Palliative care | Practical approach | Article

    Practical Management of Cancer Cachexia

    Laviano A et al. Oncol Ther 2017; 5: 125. doi:10.1007/s40487-017-0049-z

  3. 03-07-2019 | Immunotherapy | News | Article

    Steroid indication plays key role in link to poor immunotherapy outcome

    However, Mark Awad (Dana-Farer Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, USA) and colleagues note that corticosteroids are commonly used to treat cachexia, fatigue, and other cancer-related symptoms associated with a poor prognosis and therefore shorter survival “may not necessarily be a result of a corticosteroid-related blunting of the antitumor immune response to ICIs.”

  4. 05-01-2018 | Immunotherapy | News | Article

    In other news

    Here we cover a study exploring the effects of age on melanoma immunotherapy outcomes and two clinical trials, one assessing anamorelin in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer-related cachexia and the other investigating a novel fibroblast growth factor receptor kinase inhibitor in the advanced cholangiocarcinoma setting.

  5. 19-05-2017 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    In other news

    Here we report on osteoporosis therapy in breast cancer patients, the feasibility of an alternative formulation of rituximab in follicular lymphoma, the effects of extended use of anamorelin on lung cancer-related cachexia, and the 3-year results of the COMBI-d trial.

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