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63 search results for:

Cervical cancer 

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  1. 18-06-2018 | FDA | News | Article

    Double pembrolizumab approval for advanced cervical cancer, PMBCL

    Pembrolizumab is now approved for use in cervical cancer patients whose disease has progressed on or after chemotherapy and whose tumors have a combined positive score (CPS) of 1 or above on an FDA-approved companion test.

  2. 12-07-2017 | Cervical cancer | Book chapter | Article

    Cervical cancer

    In this chapter, Collettini and Hamm review the use of different imaging techniques in the management of cervical cancer. Collettini F., Hamm B. In: . Medical Radiology . Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2017. doi: 10.1007/174_2017_54

  3. 22-09-2017 | Teaser

    Bevacizumab in cervical cancer

    The phase III GOG 240 trial evaluated bevacizumab in women with advanced cervical cancer - Advisory Board member and lead investigator Krishnansu Tewari outlines the results of the final analysis in this podcast.

  4. play
    12-09-2017 | Cervical cancer | Podcast | Video

    Bevacizumab in cervical cancer

    The phase III GOG 240 trial evaluated bevacizumab in women with advanced cervical cancer - Advisory Board member and lead investigator Krishnansu Tewari outlines the results of the final analysis in this podcast.

  5. 19-02-2018 | Cervical cancer | News | Article

    Chemoradiotherapy benefits demonstrated in locally advanced cervical cancer

    Cervical cancer disproportionately affects poor women without insurance.

  6. 29-01-2018 | Cervical cancer | News | Article

    Excess bodyweight may hinder cervical precancer diagnosis and increase cancer risk

    Increasing bodyweight is associated with an elevated risk for developing invasive cervical cancer, most likely due to the under-detection of cervical precancer, say US researchers.

  7. 13-09-2017 | Cervical cancer | ESMO 2017 | Article
    ESMO 2017

    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy approach fails to improve locally advanced cervical cancer survival

    Click for the view of gynecologic oncology expert Domenica Lorusso “This trial has answered a long-standing therapeutic question in the treatment of patients with cervical cancer,” Gupta said.

  8. play
    26-09-2017 | Cervical cancer | ESMO 2017 | Video

    ESMO 2017: Concomitant chemotherapy remains optimal strategy for locally advanced cervical cancer

    Surgeon and study author Amita Maheshwari discusses the outcomes of a neoadjuvant chemotherapy approach to locally advanced squamous carcinoma of the cervix. Read the accompanying news story here.

  9. 03-08-2017 | Cervical cancer | Article

    HPV vaccination: Are we meeting our targets in cervical cancer prevention?

    This article reviews a decade of data on human papilloma virus vaccine safety, efficacy, disparities, and interventions to improve vaccination rates, focusing on the most recent year of published data. Beavis AL et al. Curr Obstet Gynecol Rep . 2017; 6: 219. doi:10.1007/s13669-017-0216-0

  10. 14-05-2016 | Gynecologic cancers | Book chapter | Article

    Cervical cancer prevention

    Pap screening and human papillomavirus vaccination are effective preventative measures for cervical cancer. However, access to care remains an important barrier and May and Ware suggest immunization in the emergency department as a potential solution. May L & Ware C. In: Oncologic Emergency Medicine. Edited by Todd KH & Thomas Jr CR. Springer International Publishing, 2016. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-26387-8_9

  11. 01-02-2017 | Cervical cancer | News | Article
    News in brief

    TCGA analysis reveals potential cervical cancer therapeutic targets

    A comprehensive genomic and molecular analysis of cervical cancers provides insight into potential therapeutic targets and identifies distinct molecular subtypes of the disease.

  12. 21-08-2017 | Cervical cancer | Article

    The value of advanced MRI techniques in the assessment of cervical cancer: a review

    This article reviews the exciting promise and current pitfalls of using recently developed advanced MRI techniques for the non-invasive assessment of cervical cancer. Dappa E et al. Insights Imaging 2017; 8: 471-481. doi:10.1007/s13244-017-0567-0

  13. 01-04-2016 | Gynecologic cancers | Article

    Managing cervical cancer during pregnancy

    In this chapter, Halaska and Rob discuss pregnancy-preserving management approaches in patients with cervical cancer. Halaska MJ & Rob L. In:  Managing Cancer during Pregnancy . Edited by Azim Jr HA. Springer International Publishing, 2016. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28800-0_12

  14. 27-07-2016 | Gynecologic cancers | Article

    Fertility preservation in women with cervical, endometrial or ovarian cancers

    In this article, the authors discuss indications for fertility-sparing methods available to women with gynecological cancer, and up-to-date data on safety and efficacy as regards oncologic outcomes and reproductive outcomes. Feichtinger M & Rodriguez-Wallberg KA. Gynaecol Oncol Res Pract 2016;3:8. doi:10.1186/s40661-016-0029-2

  15. 01-01-2016 | Gynecologic cancers | Book chapter | Article

    Gynecologic neoplasms: cervical, ovarian, vulvar, uterine, and endometrial cancer

    This chapter illustrates clinical case examples that demonstrate the clinical utility and diagnostic performance of fluorodeoxyglucose PET-CT scans in gynecologic neoplasms. Desai B & Jadvar H. In: PET-CT. Edited by Conti PS & Kaushik A. Springer New York, 2016. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-5811-2_7

  16. 02-01-2015 | Gynecologic cancers | Book chapter | Article

    Radical Hysterectomy in Cervical Cancer

    This chapter provides an overview of the role of radical hysterectomy in the management of cervical cancer. Cibula D. In: Pelvic Cancer Surgery . Edited by Patel HRH, Mould T, Joseph JV, Delaney CP. Springer London, 2015. doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-4258-4_33

  17. 14-06-2016 | Gynecologic cancers | Book chapter | Article

    Psychosexual Issues and Quality of Life after Oncologic Pelvic Surgery, with Focus on Cervical Cancer

    This chapter analyzes the impact of gynecologic cancer on women’s sexuality and discusses how to improve psychosexual and quality of life outcomes in the context of standardized treatments versus minimally invasive oncologic surgery. Graziottin A & Lukasiewicz M. In:  Functional Urologic Surgery in Neurogenic and Oncologic Diseases . Edited by Carbone A, Palleschi G, Pastore AL, Messas A. Springer International Publishing, 2016. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29191-8_9

  18. 19-07-2017 | Cervical cancer | Article

    Magnetic resonance imaging for detection of parametrial invasion in cervical cancer: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature between 2012 and 2016

    Woo et al review the literature published since 2012 to review the diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance imaging for detecting parametrial invasion in patients with cervical cancer. Woo S et al. Eur Radiol . 2017. doi: 10.1007/s00330-017-4958-x

  19. 28-01-2014 | Gynecologic cancers | Article

    Urological complications after treatment of cervical cancer

    Urological complications are common after radical hysterectomy for the treatment of cervical cancer, and this review article provides an overview on how to optimally manage these cases. Nat Rev Urol  2014; 11: 110–117. doi:10.1038/nrurol.2013.323

  20. 20-01-2016 | Gynecologic cancers | Article

    A practical review of magnetic resonance imaging for the evaluation and management of cervical cancer

    Fields and Weiss review the benefit of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for radiotherapy of cervical cancer and provide recommendations for the use of MRI that are applicable to daily practice. Fields EC & Weiss E. Radiat Oncol 2016; 11: 15. doi:10.1186/s13014-016-0591-0

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