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  1. 11-03-2021 | FDA | News | Article

    Tivozanib approved for US patients with refractory advanced RCC

    The objective response rate was also higher among tivozanib-treated participants, but overall survival was comparable between groups at the time of analysis.

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    19-02-2021 | ASCO GU 2021 | Conference coverage | Video

    TIVO-3 results point to tivozanib activity after RCC progression on axitinib

    Brian Rini describes an analysis of the TIVO-3 advanced renal cell carcinoma trial suggesting that tivozanib offers better outcomes than sorafenib even in patients who have previously received axitinib.

  3. 22-10-2019 | Renal cell carcinoma | News | Article

    Benefit of nivolumab–tivozanib, nivolumab beyond progression shown in metastatic RCC

    Studies presented at the ESMO 2019 Congress propose that patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma may benefit from a combination of nivolumab and the VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor tivozanib, or by continuing with single-agent nivolumab past initial disease progression.

  4. 20-02-2019 | Renal cell carcinoma | News | Article
    ASCO GU 2019

    Tivozanib improves refractory advanced RCC outcomes

    The phase III TIVO-3 trial has found that both progression-free survival and response are significantly better with tivozanib than sorafenib in patients with refractory metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

  5. 01-07-2019 | Renal cell carcinoma | News | Article

    Targeted therapy can benefit complex patients with advanced RCC

    . © 2019 Springer Healthcare part of the Springer Nature group JAMA Network Open 2019; 2 : e195806 JAMA Network Open 2019; 2 : e195815 See also: Sarcomatoid RCC patients benefit from immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy Tivozanib improves refractory advanced RCC outcomes   Pembrolizumab-axitinib boosts untreated advanced RCC survival

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