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3 search results for:

Thomas Stinchcombe 

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  1. 09-10-2019 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | Editorial | Article

    Current therapies for advanced NSCLC: The role of maintenance therapy in an immunotherapy world

    Thomas Stinchcombe (Duke Cancer Institute, USA) examines the development of maintenance regimens and where they fit as immunotherapy continues to change treatment paradigms for NSCLC.

  2. 30-08-2019 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    No survival benefit with erlotinib–bevacizumab in stage IV NSCLC

    Lead author Thomas Stinchcombe (Duke Cancer Institute, Durham, North Carolina, USA) and colleagues say that subsequent therapies are unlikely to have affected the OS results as these were similar across the groups, and a comparable proportion of patients in both arms received second-line osimertinib.

  3. 18-05-2017 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    Selumetinib adds no benefit to docetaxel in KRAS-mutant advanced NSCLC

    Commenting on the findings in an accompanying editorial , Jacob Kaufman (Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA) and Thomas Stinchcombe (Duke Cancer Institute, Durham, North Carolina, USA) say: “The oncology community will be left seeking an explanation for these nonsignificant trial results and wondering what next investigational path should be pursued in this population.”

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