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13 search results for:

Synthetic lethality 

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  1. 26-06-2017 | PARP inhibitors | Article

    Synthetic lethality and cancer

    The review explores the advances made and challenges of exploiting the genetic phenomenon of synthetic lethality to indentify new anticancer therapeutic targets. Nat Rev Gen 2017;18:613–623. doi:10.1038/nrg.2017.47

  2. 22-06-2017 | PARP inhibitors | Article

    Targeting DNA repair and replication stress in the treatment of ovarian cancer

    This review examines the rationale behind and strategies for DNA repair inhibitors and cell cycle checkpoint inhibitors, as single agent therapy and in combination with DNA damaging agents in ovarian cancer. Murai J. Int J Clin Oncol  2017;22:619–628. doi:10.1007/s10147-017-1145-7

  3. 25-05-2017 | PARP inhibitors | Article

    PARP Inhibitors in prostate cancer

    Geethakumari PR, Schiewer MJ, Knudsen KE, Kelly WK. Curr Treat Options in Oncol 2017;18:37. doi10.1007/s11864-017-0480-2

  4. 05-07-2017 | PARP inhibitors | Article

    The multifaceted roles of PARP1 in DNA repair and chromatin remodelling

    These DSBs would not be repaired in the absence of BRCA proteins, thus causing synthetic lethality.

  5. 05-06-2018 | Castration-resistant prostate cancer | ASCO 2018 | Article

    Olaparib has clinical efficacy in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer

    In an accompanying commentary , Emmanuel Antonarakis (Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland, USA) hypothesizes that combining androgen receptor-targeted therapy with PARP1-targeted therapy may result in a “a new type of synthetic lethality”.

  6. 13-10-2016 | PARP inhibitors | Article

    PARP inhibitors for BRCA1/2-mutated and sporadic ovarian cancer: Current practice and future directions

    PARP inhibitor activity Synthetic lethality Genetically, synthetic lethality occurs when two genetic lesions, which are individually not lethal, become lethal when combined in a single organism (or cell).

  7. Introduction

    This synthetic lethality has rendered the PARP1 inhibitors particularly useful in tumors with BRCA1 or BRCA2 loss-of-function mutations.

  8. 13-12-2016 | Ovarian cancer | Article

    Delivering widespread BRCA testing and PARP inhibition to patients with ovarian cancer

    The mechanism of action of PARP inhibitors involves use of synthetic lethality to exploit the DNA repair functions of PARP.

  9. 13-12-2016 | PARP inhibitors | Article

    Delivering widespread BRCA testing and PARP inhibition to patients with ovarian cancer

    The mechanism of action of PARP inhibitors involves use of synthetic lethality to exploit the DNA repair functions of PARP.

  10. 15-12-2015 | Ovarian cancer | Article

    The development of PARP inhibitors in ovarian cancer: from bench to bedside

    This proposed mechanism of synthetic lethality of PARP inhibitors in BRCA -deficient cells is outlined in Figure 3.

  11. 08-11-2016 | PARP inhibitors | Article

    Quality of life during olaparib maintenance therapy in platinum-sensitive relapsed serous ovarian cancer

    Olaparib (Lynparza) is an oral poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor that blocks base-excision repair by trapping PARP at sites of DNA damage, leading to synthetic lethality in tumour cells with deficiencies in homologous recombination repair, such as those with BRCA1/2 mutations ( BRCA m) (Evers et al , 2008; Rottenberg et al , 2008).

  12. 17-05-2016 | Triple-negative breast cancer | Article

    Triple-negative breast cancer: Challenges and opportunities of a heterogeneous disease

    Therefore, inhibition of PARP1 by RNA interference or with chemical inhibitors leads to severe, highly selective toxicity in  BRCA1  and  BRCA2 -defective cells 97 , so-called 'synthetic lethality' (Ref. 98).

  13. 15-12-2015 | Gynecologic cancers | Article

    UK BRCA mutation testing in patients with ovarian cancer

    There is also interest in identifying patients with somatic mutations in DNA repair genes such as  BRCA1  and  BRCA2 , as they may demonstrate similar synthetic lethality to PARP inhibitors as that shown with germline mutations.

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