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11 search results for:

Supportive surgery 

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  1. 03-12-2021 | Mesothelioma | News | Article

    ESMO malignant pleural mesothelioma guideline published

    They also give guidance on the use of surgery as well as prophylactic, radical and palliative radiotherapy.

  2. 24-12-2020 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    HRQoL effects of breast cancer prognosis, treatment predict mortality risk

    Not having versus having breast reconstruction surgery was associated with a mean 1.44 lower PROMIS physical T score.

  3. 21-05-2018 | FDA | News | Article

    Epoetin alfa biosimilar approved for chemotherapy-related anemia

    Epoetin alfa-epbx may also be used for patients in other settings, such as anemia associated with chronic kidney disease or the anti-HIV therapy zidovudine, or to reduce the need for allogeneic red blood cell transfusion in surgery.

  4. 04-09-2017 | Head and neck cancers | Article

    Functional and quality of life outcomes after partial glossectomy: a multi-institutional longitudinal study of the head and neck research network

    This exploratory study investigates how patients recover their communicative function, swallowing ability, and quality of life after primary surgery for tongue cancer over the first year post-operation. Dzioba A et al. J of Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2017; 46: 56. doi:10.1186/s40463-017-0234-y

  5. 26-08-2017 | Gastrointestinal cancers | Article

    Caregiving and mutuality among long-term colorectal cancer survivors with ostomies: qualitative study

    Altschuler A, Liljestrand P, Grant M et al. Support Care Cancer 2017. doi:10.1007/s00520-017-3862-x

  6. 22-08-2017 | CNS metastases | Article

    Survival and level of care among breast cancer patients with brain metastases treated with whole brain radiotherapy

    Frisk G, et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2017. doi:10.1007/s10549-017-4466-3

  7. 17-02-2017 | Bladder cancer | Article

    The patients’ experience of a bladder cancer diagnosis: A systematic review of the qualitative evidence

    Edmondson AJ, Birtwistle JC, Catto JWF, Twiddy M. J Cancer Surviv 2017;11:453–461. doi:10.1007/s11764-017-0603-6

  8. 20-01-2017 | Checkpoint blockade | Article

    Cancer immunotherapy — immune checkpoint blockade and associated endocrinopathies

    Supportive therapy with β-blockers can help to alleviate adrenergic symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism, and immunotherapy could be held if severe symptoms are present [120].

  9. 14-06-2016 | Gynecologic cancers | Book chapter | Article

    Psychosexual Issues and Quality of Life after Oncologic Pelvic Surgery, with Focus on Cervical Cancer

    This chapter analyzes the impact of gynecologic cancer on women’s sexuality and discusses how to improve psychosexual and quality of life outcomes in the context of standardized treatments versus minimally invasive oncologic surgery. Graziottin A & Lukasiewicz M. In:  Functional Urologic Surgery in Neurogenic and Oncologic Diseases . Edited by Carbone A, Palleschi G, Pastore AL, Messas A. Springer International Publishing, 2016. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29191-8_9

  10. 20-01-2016 | Ovarian cancer | Article

    Can advanced-stage ovarian cancer be cured?

    This review discusses how the probability of achieving a cancer-free state in patients with ovarian cancer is maximized through a combination of maximal debulking surgery and intraperitoneal chemotherapy.  Nat Rev Clin Oncol  2016;13: 255–261. doi:10.1038/nrclinonc.2015.224

  11. 11-06-2015 | Gastric cancer | Book chapter | Article

    Managing early and late postoperative complications following gastric surgery

    This chapter focuses on the diagnosis and management of frequently reported complications after gastrectomy for gastric cancer, and how these may impact on survival. Badgwell B, Day R, & Aloia T. In: Gastric Cancer. Edited by Strong VE. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15826-6_17

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