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    05-04-2018 | Uveal melanoma | Podcast | Video

    SUMIT: Selumetinib in metastatic uveal melanoma

    This edition of the medwireNews podcast focuses on a recent trial of the MEK inhibitor selumetinib in metastatic uveal melanoma. Advisory Board member and study author Paul Nathan outlines the findings and discusses the wider implications.

  2. 05-04-2018 | Teaser

    SUMIT: Selumetinib in metastatic uveal melanoma

    This edition of the medwireNews podcast focuses on a recent trial of the MEK inhibitor selumetinib in metastatic uveal melanoma. Advisory Board member and study author Paul Nathan outlines the findings and discusses the wider implications.

  3. 18-05-2017 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    Selumetinib adds no benefit to docetaxel in KRAS-mutant advanced NSCLC

    Adding selumetinib to docetaxel does not improve progression-free survival over docetaxel alone in patients with previously treated, advanced, KRAS- mutant non-small-cell lung cancer, phase III trial data show.

  4. 08-12-2021 | SABCS 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    Appropriate framework must guide targeted therapy for metastatic breast cancer

    Targeted therapies included vistusertib (targeting mTOR alterations), AZD4547 ( FGFR ), capivasertib ( AKT ), sapitinib ( HER2 or EGFR ), selumetinib ( MEK ), vandetanib ( VEGF or EGFR ), bicalutamide (androgen receptor), olaparib ( PARP ), and alpelisib ( PIK3CA ).

  5. 03-04-2019 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    Osimertinib combinations promising for NSCLC patients with acquired resistance to EGFR–TKIs

    Data from the phase Ib TATTON trial suggest that patients with EGFR -mutated non-small-cell lung cancer who have progressed on prior EGFR–tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy could benefit from adding either the MET inhibitor savolitinib or the MEK inhibitor selumetinib to osimertinib.

  6. 01-04-2019 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | Video | Article

    Expert commentary: TATTON trial – Exploring options for EGFR inhibitor-resistant NSCLC

    Roy Herbst provides his views on the phase Ib TATTON study that combined osimertinib with either the MET inhibitor savolitinib or the MEK inhibitor selumetinib in the advanced, resistant NSCLC setting (2:53).

  7. 23-01-2018 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | Article

    A promising signal or a new standard?

    For example, what if the FDA had approved selumetinib in patients with advanced KRAS mutant lung adenocarcinoma based on its highly positive phase II randomized trial results?

  8. 17-08-2016 | Hematologic cancers | Article

    Genomic complexity of multiple myeloma and its clinical implications

    Table 3: Actionable mutations in multiple myeloma     Alteration Frequency                  Targeted therapy                      Drug development in oncology (clinical trial ref. number) Mutations in KRAS 21% 6 Selumetinib 123, 124  • Phase II in MM (NCT01085214) • Phase III (NCT01933932) Mutations in NRAS 20% 6 Cobimetinib 125 • Phase III (NCT01689519) Translocations involving MYC 18% 8 BET inhibitors 126 • Phase I in MM (NCT02157636) Mutations in FGFR3 , t(4;14) 13% 8 • BGJ398 127 • AZD4547 128 • Phase II (NCT02160041) • Phase III (NCT02154490) Mutations in BRAF 8% 6 Vemurafenib 129 • Phase II in MM (NCT01524978) • Phase III (NCT01689519) del(1p) resulting in loss of CDKN2C 30% 6 Palbociclib 130 • Phase II in MM (NCT00555906 • Phase III (NCT01942135) t(11;14) resulting in CCND1 overexpression and mutations 19% 8 Palbociclib 130 • Phase II in MM (NCT00555906) • Phase III (NCT01942135) t(6;14) resulting in CCND3 overexpression 1% 8 Palbociclib 130 • Phase II in MM (NCT00555906) • Phase III (NCT01942135) BET, bromodomain and extra-terminal motif protein; del, deletion; t, translocation.

  9. 12-08-2016 | Acute lymphoblastic leukemia | Article

    A review of new agents evaluated against pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia by the Pediatric Preclinical Testing Program

    Agents targeting MEK1/2 (selumetinib; AZD6244), 47 BTK (PCI-32765; ibrutinib), PIM (SGI-1776), 32 CDKs (dinaciclib) 66 and FAK (VS-4718), as well as the multi-targeted kinase inhibitor sorafenib, 67 were also shown to be largely ineffective against the standard ALL PDX panel.

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