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33 search results for:

Physical activity 

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  1. 12-04-2019 | Survivorship | Article

    Demographic, medical, social-cognitive, and environmental correlates of meeting independent and combined physical activity guidelines in kidney cancer survivors

    Tabaczynski A et al. Support Care Cancer 2020; 28: 43. doi:10.1007/s00520-019-04752-x

  2. 23-10-2017 | Colorectal cancer | Article

    The effect of physical activity on fatigue among survivors of colorectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Brandenbarg D, Korsten JHWM, Berger MY & Berendsen AJ. Support Care Cancer 2018; 26(2):393. doi:10.1007/s00520-017-3920-4

  3. 11-01-2018 | Colorectal cancer | Article

    Effects of physical activity on colorectal cancer risk among family history and body mass index subgroups: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Shaw E et al. BMC Cancer 2018; 18: 71. doi:10.1186/s12885-017-3970-5

  4. 09-11-2022 | Geriatric patients | News | Article

    Cancer diagnosis linked to increased fracture risk in older survivors

    “If findings from this study are replicated, fracture prevention programs for survivors might include referrals for physical activity with cancer exercise professionals and for smoking cessation programs.” medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare Ltd. © 2022 Springer Healthcare Ltd, part of the Springer Nature Group JAMA Oncol 2022; doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.5153

  5. 21-06-2022 | Dietary supplementation | News | Article

    USPSTF continues to recommend against supplement use to prevent cancer, CVD in latest update

    They continue: “Health systems and health care professionals should focus on evidence-based preventive services recommended by the USPSTF, including controlling high blood pressure and behavioral counseling to encourage physical activity and a healthy diet.” medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare Ltd. © 2022 Springer Healthcare Ltd, part of the Springer Nature Group JAMA 2022; 327 : 2326–2333 JAMA 2022; 327 : 2334–2347 JAMA 2022; 327 : 2294–2295

  6. 19-05-2022 | Lifestyle intervention | News | Article

    ASCO releases guideline on lifestyle changes during cancer treatment

    Find out more about the recommendations on exercise, diet, and weight management here

  7. 10-05-2022 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Prostate cancer death linked to increases in BMI, waist size

    Multivariable analysis adjusting for a raft of factors such as age, ethnicity, geographic region, smoking status, and physical activity showed that each 0.05 increase in the waist-to-hip ratio was associated with a 7% increased risk for death from prostate cancer.

  8. 27-02-2022 | Head and neck cancers | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Advances in Therapy

    Managing Cachexia in Head and Neck Cancer: a Systematic Scoping Review

    Therapeutic exercise and increased physical activity can help to enhance the synthesis of muscle protein, reducing inflammation and the catabolic effects of cachexia syndrome.

  9. 01-12-2021 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    UK PROSPER trial backs early exercise after breast cancer surgery

    Early, structured exercise reduces upper limb disability and improves physical quality of life compared with usual care among women at risk for postoperative complications following breast cancer surgery, UK PROSPER study data show.

  10. 25-08-2021 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    ERASE trial demonstrates beneficial effects of HIIT in men with prostate cancer

    She notes that “while not powered to examine overall survival, like the Movember Foundation’s Intense Exercise for Survival Among Men With Metastatic Prostate Cancer (INTERVAL-GAP4) trial, the ERASE trial does empower patients with [prostate cancer] on [active surveillance] to be in better physical, functional, and psychological shape for any future medical interventions they may need.” medwireNews is an independent medical news service provided by Springer Healthcare Ltd. © 2021 Springer Healthcare Ltd, part of the Springer Nature Group JAMA Oncol 2021; doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2021.3067 JAMA Oncol 2021; doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2021.3065

  11. 16-04-2021 | Obesity | News | Article

    Outliers in link between obesity and poor cancer survival reinforced in meta-analysis

    Hormonal factors, reduced physical activity, more lethal or aggressive disease behavior, metabolic syndromes, and potential undertreatment in patients with obesity are possible reasons.”

  12. 20-05-2019 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Poor glycemic control linked to prostate cancer progression

    “An alternative explanation may be that higher circulating glucose levels may be a marker of other processes, such as metabolic syndrome or a lack of physical activity, both of which have been shown to be correlated with poor clinical outcomes in some studies.”

  13. 03-10-2017 | Breast cancer | Article

    Sedentary time and postmenopausal breast cancer incidence

    This study evaluated the prospective association between sedentary time and postmenopausal breast cancer incidence, and whether associations differ by race/ethnicity, physical activity levels, and body measurements. Nomura SJO, Dash C, Sheppard VB et al. Cancer Causes Control 2017. doi:10.1007/s10552-017-0968-x

  14. 22-11-2017 | Colorectal cancer | Article

    A prospective, multicenter pilot study to investigate the feasibility and safety of a 1-year controlled exercise training after adjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer patients

    Piringer G et al. Support Care Cancer 2017. doi:10.1007/s00520-017-3961-8

  15. 01-05-2018 | Obesity | View from the clinic | Article

    Body fat and cancer: Why does it matter?

    Leisure-time physical activity reduces risk of 13 kinds of cancer, including lung, esophageal, liver, bladder and breast [3].

  16. 01-02-2018 | Risk factors | News | Article

    Chronic diseases have major impact on cancer risk

    Of note, the authors report that the chronic disease-associated increased risk for incident cancer and death could be attenuated by physical activity by an average of 48% and 27%, respectively.

  17. 16-04-2018 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Sarcopenia linked to increased mortality risk in nonmetastatic breast cancer

    The commentators add that the results “are an important reminder that weight loss and/or weight control programs must always incorporate physical activity with the goal of not just reducing adiposity, but maintaining and increasing muscle mass, which would not only reduce the risk of death, but also help improve quality of life after a cancer diagnosis.”

  18. 10-11-2017 | Breast cancer | Article

    Body mass index, diet, and exercise: testing possible linkages to breast cancer risk via DNA methylation

    Gillman AS et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2017. doi:10.1007/s10549-017-4573-1

  19. 30-09-2017 | Colorectal cancer | Article

    Eight-week, multimodal exercise counteracts a progress of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and improves balance and strength in metastasized colorectal cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial

    Gouverneur A, Claraz P, Rousset M et al. Target Oncol 2017. doi:10.1007/s11523-017-0529-y

  20. 25-07-2017 | Epidemiology | News | Article

    Holocaust survivors at increased risk for cancer

    Most notably, these included metabolic insults such as severe calorie restriction (220–800 kcal/day) with protein and micronutrient deficiencies; physical and chemical factors including cold, overcrowding, and exposure to known carcinogens; infections such as hepatitis B and C, human papillomavirus, and Helicobacter pylori ; intense and strenuous physical activity; physical and emotional abuse; and psychological responses to stressors (eg, anxiety and sleep deprivation).

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