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43 search results for:

Outcome prediction 

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  1. 20-02-2018 | Follicular lymphoma | Article

    A gene-expression profiling score for prediction of outcome in patients with follicular lymphoma: a retrospective training and validation analysis in three international cohorts

    Huet S et al. N Eng J Med 2018; 19(4): 549-561. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(18)30102-5

  2. 11-02-2022 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    Study identifies gut bacteria linked to NSCLC immunotherapy response

    The study also validated “the growing body of evidence linking [antibiotic] use and poor clinical outcome,” say the investigators.

  3. 16-07-2021 | Immunotherapy | News | Article

    Ex vivo tumor platform gives window to PD-1 blockade response

    A patient-derived tumor fragment platform has allowed close examination of the early immunologic responses to PD-1 blockade, revealing a relationship between immune cell reactivation and clinical response.

  4. 03-08-2021 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Baseline PROs predict early endocrine therapy discontinuation in breast cancer

    An initial joint prediction model identified receipt of chemoendocrine therapy and age above 40 years as significant predictors of early treatment discontinuation, and Yanez et al therefore adjusted for these variables to investigate the influence of PROs on early discontinuation rates.

  5. 14-04-2021 | AACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    cfDNA integrity a potential biomarker for NACT response in breast cancer

    Ravera and co-authors reported in their poster that, at a cutoff above 2.71, the accuracy of the DII for the prediction of pCR was 81.6% in the 38 patients studied.

  6. 10-03-2021 | Lung cancer | News | Article

    USPSTF broadens lung cancer screening criteria

    Other studies also pointed to the benefits of screening, with, for instance, increases in the detection of early-stage cancers and corresponding decreases in late-stage disease in the five trials that reported on this outcome.

  7. 24-12-2020 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    HRQoL effects of breast cancer prognosis, treatment predict mortality risk

    The health-related quality of life of patients with ductal carcinoma in situ or invasive breast cancer is impaired by their prognosis and treatment, and measuring the extent of impairment could help predict mortality risk, research suggests.

  8. 17-11-2020 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Mammographic breast density adds value to lymphedema prediction

    This translated to a significant 2.39-fold increased risk for developing lymphedema greater than 200 mL in patients with high- versus low-volume prediction.

  9. 02-12-2019 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    iSEND model identifies NSCLC patients unlikely to benefit from PD-1/PD-L1 therapy

    The iSEND risk prediction model, which uses clinical and analytical variables to classify PD-1/PD-L1 monotherapy response in patients with platinum-refractory advanced non-small-cell lung cancer, better predicts survival outcome than PD-L1 negativity, say researchers.

  10. 13-03-2020 | Castration-sensitive prostate cancer | News | Article

    Genetic link to poorer outcomes in men with low-volume metastatic CSPC

    Prospective data now confirm that White men with low-volume metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer who have the adrenal-permissive HSD3B1 genotype have poorer outcomes than those with the adrenal-restrictive genotype.

  11. 09-03-2020 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Predictive prostate cancer models may identify potential candidates for active surveillance

    According to researcher Zhuo Su and colleagues from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland: “Taken together, these findings suggest that prediction of pathological downgrading from biopsy to [radical prostatectomy] helps identify a subset of GG2 [intermediate-risk] patients at diagnosis who may have favorable outcomes more similar to [low-risk] patients and thus potentially justify individual decisions to pursue [active surveillance].”

  12. 03-03-2020 | Chemotherapy | News | Article

    Nutritional markers may predict chemotherapy tolerance in older patients

    High BMI and normal albumin levels are associated with a reduced risk for grade 3 or higher chemotherapy-related toxicities among older patients, research indicates.

  13. 02-09-2019 | Cardiovascular disease | News | Article

    Elevated cardiovascular risk seen in survivors of most common cancers

    The only outcome studied that did not have an elevated risk among lung cancer survivors was valvular heart disease.

  14. 02-08-2019 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    LIPI score associated with survival in metastatic NSCLC irrespective of treatment

    An exploratory pooled analysis indicates that the Lung Immune Prognostic Index score is associated with overall survival and progression-free survival in metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors, targeted therapy, or cytotoxic chemotherapy.

  15. 07-09-2018 | Metastatic melanoma | News | Article

    FDG-PET predicts metastatic melanoma outcomes better than CT imaging

    With improved prediction of outcomes, PET may also “help guide discontinuation of therapy,” write Alexander Menzies (The University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) and colleagues in the Annals of Oncology .

  16. 07-09-2018 | Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma | News | Article

    Circulating tumor DNA predicts DLBCL outcomes

    Pretreatment levels of circulating tumor DNA, as well as changes during therapy, are independently prognostic of outcomes in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and can add to established risk factors, findings indicate.

  17. 24-08-2018 | Immunotherapy | News | Article

    Radiomic and epigenetic markers point to immunotherapy benefit

    Two novel signatures, one based on radiomics and the other on epigenetics, could help predict response to treatment with agents directed against the programmed cell death protein 1 immune checkpoint pathway.

  18. 04-06-2018 | Renal cell carcinoma | Article

    Epigenetics in renal cell cancer: mechanisms and clinical applications

    Joosten SC et al. Nat Rev Urol 2018. doi:10.1038/s41585-018-0023-z

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