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  1. 03-08-2022 | Adverse events | News | Article

    Hearing loss, tinnitus not uncommon in cancer survivors

    Previous studies have “reported on hearing loss associated with the administration of platinum compounds in patients undergoing active treatment for testicular or head and neck cancer,” but “extremely limited information is available on taxane-induced ototoxicity,” explain the study authors in BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care .

  2. 07-05-2020 | FDA | News | Article

    FDA approves capmatinib for MET exon 14-mutated NSCLC

    Click through for the details

  3. 16-02-2020 | ASCO GU 2020 | Conference coverage | Article

    Chemotherapy de-escalation feasible in metastatic seminoma

    Of note, the cumulative incidence of peripheral neuropathy was significantly lower among men who received the de-escalated versus standard regimen, but the rates of ototoxicity and renal dysfunction were comparable and none of the trial participants experienced cardiac or pulmonary toxicity.

  4. 28-06-2018 | Ototoxicity | News | Article

    Sodium thiosulfate protects against hearing loss in cisplatin-treated children with hepatoblastoma

    The administration of sodium thiosulfate after cisplatin reduces the incidence of hearing loss in children with standard-risk hepatoblastoma, according to an international, randomized trial.

  5. 12-05-2017 | Gastric cancer | News | Article

    In other news

    In this round-up, we report on the feasibility of surgery in gastric cancer with limited metastases, the treatment of opioid-induced constipation, monitoring response to immune checkpoint inhibition, and a genetic variant linked to cisplatin-induced ototoxicity.

  6. 12-12-2016 | Ototoxicity | News | Article
    Editor's pick

    Sodium thiosulfate otoprotective in cisplatin-treated pediatric cancer patients

    Treatment with the antioxidant sodium thiosulfate can reduce the incidence of platinum-induced hearing loss in children and adolescents with cancer treated with cisplatin, research suggests.

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