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7 search results for:

Oncolytic viruses 

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  1. 17-02-2023 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    T-VEC warrants further investigation as neoadjuvant add-on in TNBC

    The addition of the oncolytic virus talimogene laherparepvec to neoadjuvant chemotherapy may increase responses in women with nonmetastatic triple-negative breast cancer, say phase 2 trial investigators.

  2. 29-06-2018 | Glioma | News | Article

    Engineered poliovirus shows potential for treatment of recurrent glioma

    Also questions pertaining to safety, including whether there are risks associated with the restoration of viral pathogenicity or replication competence in vivo, and whether engineering viruses with a destruct gene could be a way to control unanticipated viral expansion.

  3. 28-02-2018 | Glioma | News | Article
    News in brief

    Oncolytic virus shows promise in recurrent malignant glioma

    Treatment with DNX-2401, a tumor-selective adenovirus, can lead to “dramatic responses” and long-term survival in some patients with recurrent malignant glioma, say researchers who conducted a phase I study.

  4. 12-10-2017 | Melanoma | News | Article

    Oncolytic virus boosts ipilimumab response in advanced melanoma

    Combining the oncolytic virus talimogene laherparepvec with the immune checkpoint inhibitor ipilimumab significantly improves treatment response compared with ipilimumab alone in patients with advanced melanoma, phase II study data show.

  5. 24-05-2016 | Genitourinary cancers | Article

    Oncolytic virotherapy for urological cancers

    Delwar et al. summarize the findings of preclinical and clinical studies of oncolytic virotherapy in urological cancers, provide an overview of the challenges, and discuss the strategies employed to improve therapy. Nat Rev Urol 2016; 13: 334–352. doi: 10.1038/nrurol.2016.84

  6. 11-11-2016 | Treatment | Article

    Combinatorial immunotherapy for melanoma

    A NCI phase I trial (NCT02107963) using anti-GD2 (a tumor antigen in neuroblastoma that may also be expressed on osteosarcoma, other sarcomas, and melanoma) CAR T cells is currently underway. 46 Oncolytic viruses Oncolytic viruses are an emerging group of anticancer agents.

  7. 15-03-2016 | Treatment | Article

    The future of cancer treatment: immunomodulation, CARs and combination immunotherapy

    Therapies that treat cancer by modulating the immune response have led to unprecedented results in patients with advanced-stage tumors. This review discusses the latest advances in immunotherapy and its role in the future of cancer treatment. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2016; 13: 273–290. doi:10.1038/nrclinonc.2016.25

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