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16 search results for:

Minimally invasive surgery 

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  1. 10-08-2022 | Esophageal cancer | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Oncology and Therapy

    The Implementation of Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Treatment of Esophageal Cancer: A Step Toward Better Outcomes?

    The aim of minimally invasive surgery is to reduce the surgical trauma, resulting in faster recovery, reduction in complications, and better quality of life after surgery.

  2. 26-10-2022 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Minimal access breast surgery ‘valid’ option for early breast cancer

    Minimal access breast surgery offers comparable long-term outcomes to conventional surgery for women with stage 0–III breast cancer, show the results of a propensity-matched, retrospective cohort study.

  3. 09-06-2021 | ASCO 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    CheckMate 816 surgical outcomes support neoadjuvant nivolumab in NSCLC

    Minimally invasive surgery rates were 30% for nivolumab plus chemotherapy and 22% for chemotherapy alone, with a corresponding 11% and 16% of patients converting from minimally invasive to open surgery.

  4. 01-07-2021 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    Minimizing NSCLC surgical delays considered ‘essential’

    Disease recurrence is more likely and overall survival worse for patients with stage I non-small-cell lung cancer who do not receive surgery within 12 weeks of radiographic diagnosis, research suggests.

  5. 14-04-2021 | AACR 2021 | Conference coverage | Article

    cfDNA integrity a potential biomarker for NACT response in breast cancer

    He added: “This would represent substantial progress in the pursuit of an effective, minimally invasive treatment of patients affected by breast cancer.”

  6. 03-02-2021 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article
    WCLC 2020

    LCMC3 results point to early NSCLC response with neoadjuvant atezolizumab

    Most (79%) of the patients underwent lobectomy and just 15% of the 101 patients who had minimally invasive procedures required a conversion to thoracotomy.

  7. 01-08-2018 | Colorectal cancer | News | Article

    Benefits of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal liver metastases highlighted

    Minimally invasive liver surgery is associated with less postoperative morbidity, fewer major complications, and shorter hospital stays than open surgery among patients with colorectal liver metastases, Italian researchers report.

  8. 02-10-2018 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article
    News in brief

    Surgery type may predict long-term opioid use in early-stage NSCLC

    Patients who undergo video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for stage I non-small-cell lung cancer are less likely to become long-term opioid users than their counterparts undergoing the conventional open procedure, findings suggest.

  9. 26-07-2018 | Prostate cancer | Teaser
    medwireNews editor's pick

    Equivalent outcomes for robot-assisted and open radical prostatectomy

    Robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy and open radical retropubic prostatectomy have similar functional outcomes at 2 years, according to phase III study findings in The Lancet Oncology .

  10. 08-01-2018 | Breast cancer | Editorial | Article

    New paradigm: Testing elimination of breast cancer surgery after neoadjuvant systemic therapy

    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can be so effective at shrinking breast tumors in some patients that it has raised the possibility of avoiding surgery altogether. Henry Kuerer (MD Anderson, USA) discusses the exciting recent advances in this area.

  11. 14-06-2016 | Gynecologic cancers | Book chapter | Article

    Psychosexual Issues and Quality of Life after Oncologic Pelvic Surgery, with Focus on Cervical Cancer

    This chapter analyzes the impact of gynecologic cancer on women’s sexuality and discusses how to improve psychosexual and quality of life outcomes in the context of standardized treatments versus minimally invasive oncologic surgery. Graziottin A & Lukasiewicz M. In:  Functional Urologic Surgery in Neurogenic and Oncologic Diseases . Edited by Carbone A, Palleschi G, Pastore AL, Messas A. Springer International Publishing, 2016. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29191-8_9

  12. 24-02-2017 | Liquid biopsy | Review | Article

    Liquid biopsies come of age: Towards implementation of circulating tumor DNA

    Alternatively, for some cancer types, other minimally invasive samples may have a higher tumour DNA content than plasma: for example, urine for bladder cancers 56 ; stool for colorectal cancers 19 ; cytological specimens such as cervical smears 140 or uterine lavage 141 for gynaecological cancers, or oesophageal brushings 142 for oesophageal cancers (Fig. 3c).

  13. 02-03-2017 | Liquid biopsy | Review | Article

    Integrating liquid biopsies into the management of cancer

    Beaver et al . 148 were able to detect PIK3CA mutations in DNA from plasma samples obtained before surgery in 93% of patients with localized breast cancer and a limited tumour burden; matched blood samples were also collected after surgery from 10 patients (within 14 days for five patients, per protocol, and between 15 and 72 days after surgery in the others), and ctDNA remained detectable in five of these patients, suggesting incomplete eradiction of disease after surgery alone, and predicting the development of recurrent disease in one patient.

  14. 24-02-2015 | Ovarian cancer | Article

    A framework for a personalized surgical approach to ovarian cancer

    His research interests include minimally invasive surgery and fertility-preservation among women with gynecologic malignancies.Anil K.

  15. 26-06-2015 | Esophageal cancer | Article

    Management of locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction: Finally a consensus

    Ithis article highlights important issues in treating esophageal cancers, including appropriate pretreatment assessments, the benefits of neoadjuvant therapy, and optimal systemic therapy selection. Kleinberg L, Brock M, & Gibson M. Curr Treat Options in Oncol 2015; 16: 35. doi:10.1007/s11864-015-0352-6

  16. 23-07-2018 | Prostate cancer | News | Article

    Equivalent outcomes for robot-assisted and open radical prostatectomy

    “Our study showed that this technique can obtain equivalent functional outcomes to open surgery.”

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