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  1. 08-05-2018 | Gastrointestinal stromal tumors | News | Article

    Dasatinib shows limited activity in unselected imatinib-resistant GISTs

    A trial of dasatinib in patients with imatinib-resistant gastrointestinal stromal tumors found that the drug did not meet the criteria for clinical activity overall, but may be suitable for a subset of patients with phosphorylated SRC.

  2. 19-04-2017 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | News | Article

    First-line generic imatinib offers ‘suboptimal efficacy’

    But add that “first-line generic imatinib indicated suboptimal efficacy in comparison to the branded imatinib.”

  3. 17-03-2017 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | News | Article

    Imatinib efficacy for CML sustained over time

    Overall survival among patients with chronic myeloid leukemia remains high after nearly 11 years of treatment with imatinib, analysis of phase III study data shows.

  4. 12-04-2017 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | News | Article

    Molecular response depth may predict imatinib resistance risk

    Study findings suggest that the depth of molecular response to imatinib achieved by a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia may influence the relationship between a fluctuating response to treatment and the likelihood of developing resistance to the tyrosine kinase inhibitor.

  5. 01-01-2017 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | News | Article

    Generic imatinib use effective for CML

    Studies of Polish and Indian patients with chronic myeloid leukemia suggest that generic formulations of imatinib may be as effective as the branded drug.

  6. 29-08-2017 | Gastrointestinal stromal tumors | Article

    Dovitinib in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumour refractory and/or intolerant to imatinib

    This multicentre phase II trial (DOVIGIST) shows the promise of dovitinib as an active treatment for gastrointestinal stromal tumour patients who are refractory or intolerant to imatinib. Br J Cancer 2017. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2017.290

  7. 03-04-2017 | Gastrointestinal stromal tumors | News | Article

    Optimal adjuvant imatinib duration influenced by KIT mutation status

    Patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors harboring KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase exon 11 deletion mutations derive the greatest benefit from 3 years of adjuvant imatinib treatment, researchers report.

  8. 04-01-2017 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | News | Article
    Editor's pick

    Imatinib kinetic response similar in children and adults

    Primary kinetic responses to the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib do not differ significantly between children and adults with chronic myeloid leukemia, German study data show.

  9. ‘Real-life’ registry findings support generic imatinib efficacy

    medwireNews: Initial research suggests that two generic forms of imatinib may not be inferior to the branded version of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) for the treatment of patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia in the chronic phase (CML).

  10. 29-08-2017 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | News | Article
    News in brief

    First-line imatinib at 10 years: CML patients achieve ‘close to normal life expectancy’

    Findings from the chronic myeloid leukemia IV study suggest that patients in the chronic phase who respond to imatinib have a high likelihood of survival at 10 years.

  11. 31-03-2016 | Gastrointestinal stromal tumors | Article

    Immunological off-target effects of imatinib

    Zitvogel et al. evaluate growing evidence implicating the immune system in patient responses to imatinib mesylate for treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2016; 13: 431–446. doi:10.1038/nrclinonc.2016.41

  12. 12-09-2017 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | Article

    Assessment of imatinib as first-line treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia: 10-year survival results of the randomized CML study IV and impact of non-CML determinants

    Based on an analysis of the randomized chronic myeloid leukemia study-IV trial, Hehlmann et al. show the high survival probabilities that can be achieved with imatinib-based monotherapy (400 mg/day). Leukemia 2017. doi:10.1038/leu.2017.253

  13. 15-03-2022 | Gastrointestinal stromal tumors | Adis Journal Club | Article
    Targeted Oncology

    The Management of Unresectable, Advanced Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours

    Imatinib was the first TKI to gain approval as management for patients with advanced GIST, establishing a new standard of care.

  14. 11-01-2019 | Tyrosine kinase inhibitors | News | Article

    Concomitant TKI–PPI use may adversely affect cancer patient survival

    By contrast, receipt of both imatinib and PPIs was associated with a significantly higher likelihood of discontinuing the TKI at 90 days in the CML subgroup versus imatinib alone, according to the report in Cancer .

  15. 02-02-2018 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | Editorial | Article

    Discontinuing tyrosine kinase inhibitors in chronic myeloid leukemia

    This was soon followed by a large randomized trial which confirmed the superiority of imatinib over interferon [6].

  16. 07-03-2018 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | News | Article
    News in brief

    Dasatinib confirmed as pediatric chronic phase CML option

    The phase II trial included 14 patients who had developed resistance to, or were intolerant of, imatinib therapy and 61 patients with a new diagnosis of CML–CP, all of whom were younger than 18 years.

  17. 22-06-2017 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | News | Article
    ASCO 2017

    Frontline bosutinib ‘an option’ for newly diagnosed CP CML

    Study findings suggest that bosutinib could be considered as an alternative to imatinib for first-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in patients with newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia in the chronic phase.

  18. 18-05-2018 | Article

    Expert comment

    The first trials of treatment discontinuation of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib had more stringent study entry criteria as well as stricter treatment restart rules.

  19. 02-02-2018 | Chronic myeloid leukemia | Highlight | Teaser
    Expert opinion

    Discontinuing tyrosine kinase inhibitors in chronic myeloid leukemia

    Tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) can result in prolonged and deep responses in many patients. In such cases, can TKIs be safely discontinued to avoid adverse side effects and costs? Etab Atallah (Medical College of Wisconsin, USA) discusses the current issues surrounding TKI discontinuation in CML.

  20. 17-11-2017 | FDA | News | Article

    Dasatinib receives pediatric CML go-ahead

    After 2 years of treatment, a complete cytogenetic response was achieved by 96.1% and 82.6% of the newly diagnosed and imatinib-resistant patients, respectively.

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