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3 search results for:

Gareth Evans 

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  1. 02-08-2018 | Breast cancer | Editorial | Article

    Developing polygenic risk scores for breast cancer

    Gareth Evans (University of Manchester, UK) details how genetic advances have allowed the development of relatively cheap and clinically meaningful genetic-based scores for breast cancer risk, further heralding the shift towards precision medicine in breast cancer.

  2. 31-07-2018 | Teaser
    Expert opinion

    Developing polygenic risk scores for breast cancer

    Gareth Evans (University of Manchester, UK)  details how genetic advances have allowed the development of relatively cheap and clinically meaningful genetic-based scores for breast cancer risk, further heralding the shift towards precision medicine in breast cancer.

  3. 17-03-2016 | Hematologic cancers | Article
    British Journal of Cancer

    The incidence of leukaemia in women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations: an International Prospective Cohort Study

    Kurz, Howard Saal, Judy Garber, Kevin Sweet, Christine Rappaport, Jacek Gronwald, Barry Rosen, Beth Karlan, Susan L Neuhausen, Pal Moller, Peter Ainsworth, Edmond Lemire, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, Olufunmilayo I Olopade, Sofia Merajver, Carey A Cullinane, Eitan Friedman, Wendy McKinnon, Marie Wood, Daniel Rayson, Wendy Meschino, Josephine Wagner Costalas, Robert E Reilly, Susan Vadaparampil, Kenneth Offit, Noah Kauff, David Euhus, Ava Kwong, Claudine Isaacs, Fergus Couch, Christine Elser, Charmain Kim-Sing, Seema Panchal, Susan Armel, Rochelle Demsky, William D Foulkes, Andre Robidoux, Ellen Warner, Lovise Maehle, Gareth Evans, Barbara Pasini, Stephanie Cohen, Anna Jakubowska, Janice Little, Sonia Nanda, Kelly Metcalfe, Joanne Kotsopoulos, Aletta Poll, Marcia Llacuachaqui, Alejandra Ragone, and Ophira Ginsburg.

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