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18 search results for:

Fertility preservation 

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  1. 02-09-2022 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Fertility preservation not linked to higher breast cancer relapse, mortality risk

    Women who undergo hormonal or nonhormonal fertility preservation procedures following breast cancer diagnosis are not at increased risk for relapse or breast cancer-specific mortality, Swedish study findings indicate.

  2. 25-11-2020 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Fertility preservation efficacy demonstrated for breast cancer patients

    A nationwide study of Swedish breast cancer patients has demonstrated that receipt of fertility preservation significantly improves reproductive outcomes compared with the absence of such care.

  3. 02-11-2017 | Breast cancer | Article

    Safety of fertility preservation in breast cancer patients in a register-based matched cohort study

    Rodriguez-Wallberg KA et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2017. doi:10.1007/s10549-017-4555-3

  4. 22-02-2015 | Gynecologic cancers | Article

    Modern radiation therapy and potential fertility preservation strategies in patients with cervical cancer undergoing chemoradiation

    In this review, potential fertility preservation approaches in young patients with cervical cancer who undergo chemoradiation are discussed. Ghadjar P et al. Radiat Oncol 2015; 10: 50. doi:10.1186/s13014-015-0353-4

  5. 05-08-2022 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Updated guidelines for managing breast cancer in young women released by ESO–ESMO

    They also provide guidance on fertility, ovarian function suppression, and premature menopause, which are “major issues” in this patient population.

  6. 10-01-2022 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    GnRHa protects ovarian function during chemotherapy for breast cancer

    Zong et al say that although “fertility is a major concern” among young women with breast cancer, up to now “there has been no prospective randomized clinical study on ovarian function related to breast cancer in Chinese or Asian populations.”

  7. 08-03-2017 | Uterine cancer | Book chapter | Article

    Endometrial cancer

    Fertility preservation is a big issue for cancer survivors and it is necessary to realize that treatment decisions are being made thinking on future fertility. This chapter reviews endometrial cancer diagnosis, risk factors, treatments, and fertility preservation options. Goetsch AL, Kimelman D, & Woodruff TK. In:  Fertility Preservation and Restoration for Patients with Complex Medical Conditions . Springer International Publishing, 2017. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-52316-3_18

  8. 20-09-2018 | Hodgkin lymphoma | News | Article

    Hormonal biomarker shows ovarian toxicity of Hodgkin lymphoma treatment

    This finding “indicates that age-specific discussions and consideration of fertility preservation procedures should be considered before treatment” for Hodgkin lymphoma, the researchers remark.

  9. 11-02-2019 | Pregnancy | News | Article

    ART-conceived children not at increased risk for cancer

    Children conceived using assisted reproductive technology do not have an increased cancer risk relative to either the general population or naturally conceived children of women with impaired fertility, shows a Dutch study with a long follow-up.

  10. 19-12-2017 | Ovarian cancer | Editorial | Article

    Fertility-sparing surgery in high-risk epithelial ovarian cancer: from the patients wishes to the precautionary principle

    Fertility-sparing surgery is an important option for young women with ovarian cancer but there are questions surrounding its safety in all cases. Philippe Morice and Sébastien Gouy (Institut Gustave Roussy, France) discuss the problems faced in high-risk cases.

  11. 14-12-2017 | Breast cancer | News | Article

    Short-term GnRHa therapy may prevent breast cancer chemotherapy-related ovarian dysfunction

    Temporary ovarian suppression with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog alongside neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy could help preserve ovarian function and fertility in premenopausal women with early-stage breast cancer, shows a pooled analysis.

  12. 15-01-2016 | Uterine cancer | Article

    Factors affecting pregnancy outcomes in young women treated with fertility-preserving therapy for well-differentiated endometrial cancer or atypical endometrial hyperplasia

    This study compared pregnant (n=45) and non-pregnant (n=53) patients with endometrial cancer treated with medroxyprogesterone acetate to evaluate the factors affecting clinical pregnancy establishment. Inoue O et al. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 2016; 14: 2. doi:10.1186/s12958-015-0136-7

  13. 10-03-2015 | Uterine cancer | Article

    Optimal follow-up of endometrial cancer patients

    In this review the authors attempt to address challenges around recurrent disease in endometrial cancer and propose an evidence-based scheme of surveillance program. Vrdoljak E, Boraska Jelavić T, & Petrić Miše B. Memo 2015; 8: 62–65. doi:10.1007/s12254-015-0202-z

  14. 24-02-2015 | Ovarian cancer | Article

    A framework for a personalized surgical approach to ovarian cancer

    His research interests include minimally invasive surgery and fertility-preservation among women with gynecologic malignancies.Anil K.

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