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  1. 14-05-2018 | Pancreatic cancer | News | Article

    Pancreatic R0 resection rate high with FOLFIRINOX plus chemoradiotherapy

    Total neoadjuvant therapy with FOLFIRINOX followed by individualized chemoradiotherapy results in a high margin-negative resection rate in patients with borderline resectable pancreatic cancer, phase II trial data show.

  2. 13-06-2018 | Pancreatic cancer | ASCO 2018 | Article

    Adjuvant mFOLFIRINOX ‘new standard of care’ for pancreatic cancer

    Adjuvant treatment with a modified FOLFIRINOX regimen significantly improves survival relative to gemcitabine in patients with resected pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, according to findings presented at the ASCO Annual Meeting 2018, held in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

  3. play
    08-06-2018 | Pancreatic cancer | ASCO 2018 | Video

    Researcher comment: Adjuvant mFOLFIRINOX shows benefits over gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer

    Presenting author Thierry Conroy provides an overview of the PRODIGE 24 trial showing adjuvant modified FOLFIRINOX outplays gemcitabine in patients with operable pancreatic cancer (3:58). Read the related news story Watch the accompanying expert commentary

  4. 22-05-2017 | Pancreatic cancer | News | Article

    Targeting mitochondrial metabolism shows promise in pancreatic cancer

    Researchers report promising results from a phase I trial evaluating CPI-613, which targets mitochondrial metabolism, in combination with modified FOLFIRINOX chemotherapy for the treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer.

  5. 11-06-2018 | Pancreatic cancer | ASCO 2018 | Article

    Improved outcomes with preoperative CRT in pancreatic cancer

    The next step, after the final analysis of the trial, would be “to find even more effective preoperative treatments,” such as FOLFIRINOX alone or with stereotactic body radiation therapy, the presenter noted in a press release.

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