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5 search results for:

Dietary supplementation 

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  1. 21-06-2022 | Dietary supplementation | News | Article

    USPSTF continues to recommend against supplement use to prevent cancer, CVD in latest update

    The authors of an accompanying editorial note that “[i]n 2021, people in the US spent an estimated almost $50 billion on dietary supplements and the dietary supplement industry spent about $900 million on marketing.”

  2. 01-12-2020 | Dietary supplementation | News | Article

    Vitamin D supplementation may reduce advanced cancer risk

    Vitamin D supplementation is associated with a reduced risk for metastatic or fatal cancer, but the benefit appears to be largely restricted to people with normal BMI, shows an analysis of VITAL study data.

  3. 11-01-2019 | Chemoprevention | News | Article
    News in brief

    COMT gene modifies chemopreventive effects of vitamin E

    Vitamin E supplementation may reduce the risk for cancer but only in individuals harboring a particular allele of the catechol-O-methyltransferase gene, suggests an analysis of two randomized trials.

  4. 06-04-2017 | Dietary supplementation | News | Article

    Vitamin D plus calcium supplements do not reduce postmenopausal cancer risk

    Dietary supplementation with high dose vitamin D 3 plus calcium does not reduce the risk for cancer in healthy postmenopausal women, US study findings indicate.

  5. 29-04-2015 | Head and neck cancers | ReviewPaper | Article

    Impact of weight loss in patients with head and neck carcinoma undergoing radiotherapy: is it an underestimated phenomenon? A radiation oncologist’s perspective

    They reported that the more advanced the tumor (stage III and IV compared with stage I–II) and the poorer the dietary consistency score, the more likely it is that PEG insertion will be beneficial to the patient.

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