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6 search results for:

Charu Aggarwal 

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  1. 19-04-2021 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article
    News in brief

    Chemoimmunotherapy may be preferable for KRAS wild-type NSCLC

    “Further investigation is needed to optimize selection between multiple available treatment strategies for patients with PD-L1–high NSCLC,” write Charu Aggarwal and colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA, in JAMA Oncology .

  2. 08-01-2021 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    Data suggest no causality between osimertinib use, cardiac AEs

    Commenting on the findings, Charu Aggarwal, MD, MPH, Leslye M Heisler Associate Professor of Lung Cancer Excellence (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA), told medwireNews that “[b]ased on these observations, baseline echocardiogram and serial monitoring is advised.”

  3. 23-07-2020 | Lung cancer | News | Article
    News in brief

    Lung cancer COVID-19 guidance available

    Charu Aggarwal, from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA, and co-authors propose in JCO Oncology Practice that the “general principles of lung cancer treatment continue to be followed in most cases where delays could result in rapid cancer progression.”

  4. 06-11-2018 | Immunotherapy | Editorial | Article

    Immunotherapy for patients with metastatic NSCLC harboring an EGFR mutation

    Management of EGFR -mutant non-small-cell lung cancer has been dominated by targeted therapies, but it is less clear where immunotherapy will fit into the treatment paradigm. Charu Aggarwal (University of Pennsylvania, USA) explores the current place of immunotherapy in treating this disease.

  5. 06-11-2018 | Editorial | Teaser
    Expert opinion

    Immunotherapy for patients with metastatic NSCLC harboring an EGFR mutation

    Management of EGFR -mutant non-small-cell lung cancer has been dominated by targeted therapies, but it is less clear where immunotherapy will fit into the treatment paradigm. Charu Aggarwal (University of Pennsylvania, USA) explores the current place of immunotherapy in treating this disease.

  6. 21-01-2020 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    Age no bar for treatment selection in older NSCLC patients

    Editorialists Charu Aggarwal and Corey Langer, both from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA, note that “[t]hese results appear favorable and are approximately comparable to our expectations with immunotherapy in younger patients.”

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