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12 search results for:

Bone sarcoma 

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  1. 17-06-2022 | Renal cell carcinoma | News | Article

    CheckMate 9ER update confirms first-line nivolumab plus cabozantinib benefits for advanced RCC

    Moreover, an OS benefit with the combination treatment was noted among subgroups of patients with special characteristics, including those with sarcomatoid features, history of nephrectomy, and liver, bone, or lung metastases at baseline.

  2. 08-04-2020 | Renal cell carcinoma | News | Article

    Tocilizumab shows promise for COVID-19 treatment in people with cancer

    The patient was admitted to the hospital for fever and symptomatic bone metastases pain that was unresponsive to ceftriaxone administered in the outpatient setting.

  3. 07-09-2020 | Testicular cancer | News | Article
    News in brief

    Adolescent, young adult germ cell cancer patients show diverse range of presenting symptoms

    The cohort of 803 English patients aged 12–24 years at time of diagnosis included 155 patients with germ cell and trophoblastic neoplasms, 77% of whom had testicular cancer, as well as patients with leukemia, lymphoma, carcinoma, central nervous system or bone tumors and soft tissue sarcoma.

  4. 27-02-2018 | Soft-tissue sarcoma | News | Article

    Regional hyperthermia justified in localized high-risk soft tissue sarcoma

    Adding regional hyperthermia to neoadjuvant chemotherapy significantly improves survival in patients with localized high-risk soft tissue sarcoma, researchers report.

  5. 30-06-2017 | Soft-tissue sarcoma | News | Article
    ASCO 2017

    Immunotherapy shows promise in advanced sarcoma

    Immunotherapy could have a role in the treatment of patients with certain sarcoma subtypes in the advanced disease setting, suggests research presented at the 2017 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Here we provide a round-up of three studies investigating various immunotherapeutic strategies in advanced sarcoma patients.

  6. 26-06-2017 | Soft-tissue sarcoma | Conference coverage | Article
    ASCO 2017

    Aldoxorubicin has activity in advanced soft tissue sarcoma

    The doxorubicin conjugate aldoxorubicin could be a suitable alternative to standard therapies for patients with relapsed or refractory soft tissue sarcoma, say researchers.

  7. 15-11-2016 | Acute leukemia | Book chapter | Article

    Diagnostic criteria, classification, and prognosis of acute leukemias

    Rare entities Myeloid sarcoma (granulocytic sarcoma, chloroma) is a rare extramedullary tumor (<1% of AML) consisting of immature myeloid cells and leading to destruction of the normal tissue architecture, without morphological evidence of AML in the bone marrow.

  8. 16-09-2016 | Hematologic cancers | Book chapter | Article

    Risk factors, etiology, and pathogenesis

    Stem cell and bone marrow allografts have a risk of approximately 1% [13].

  9. 17-08-2016 | Hematologic cancers | Article

    Genomic complexity of multiple myeloma and its clinical implications

    For example, a locus at 8q24.12 (rs4407910 in TNFRSF11B ) is positively associated with the development of MM bone disease (such as osteolytic lesions) 15 .

  10. 01-08-2016 | Lymphoma | Article

    Diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for lymphoma diagnosis and treatment in the era of precision medicine

    Besides tumor biopsy specimens, microRNA can be assessed in serum, plasma and bone marrow smears. 120, 121  A five-miRNA serum signature has been shown to be predictive of prognosis for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients treated with R-CHOP. 122  Tissue miRNAs seem to be more reliable in the detection and staging of cancer, whereas circulating miRNAs show higher stability and can be measured non-invasively. 123 In peripheral T-cell lymphomas, some unique diagnostic miRNA classifiers have been constructed.

  11. 15-03-2016 | Treatment | Article

    The future of cancer treatment: immunomodulation, CARs and combination immunotherapy

    Furthermore, it remains to be confirmed whether CAR T cells migrate towards, and penetrate into lymph nodes as efficiently as they do bone marrow.

  12. 04-08-2016 | Renal cell carcinoma | Article

    Medical treatment of renal cancer: new horizons

    Originating in the bone marrow they infliltrate peripheral tissues – including tumour tissues – in their immature form.

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