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  1. 09-04-2018 | FDA | News | Article

    FDA announces further approvals for nilotinib, blinatumomab

    The decision follows the phase II BLAST trial , in which undetectable minimal residual disease was achieved by 85% of 52 participants in first complete remission and by 72% of 18 in second complete remission after one cycle of blinatumomab therapy.

  2. 16-02-2017 | Image

    Table 2: Clinical efficacy of blinatumomab

  3. 14-03-2018 | Article

    Advisory board comment

    Rituximab has already been given to ALL patients with CD20-positive expression, and the sequential addition of immunotherapy with bispecific monoclonal antibodies such as blinatumomab may also be effective means of eliminating minimal residual disease with a potentially acceptable toxicity in older patients [12], although large-scale efficacy data are lacking.

  4. 22-07-2017 | Lymphoma | Article

    An update on the use of immunotherapy in the treatment of lymphoma

    This review by Marron et al. covers promising data on advances in antibody-based therapies, immunomodulators and checkpoint-blocking therapies in the treatment of lymphomas. Marron TU, Kalac M, Brody J. Curr Hematol Malig Rep 2017. doi:10.1007/s11899-017-0396-8

  5. 29-12-2016 | Lymphoma | Article

    The landscape of new drugs in lymphoma

    A higher dose of blinatumomab is needed in these patients than for the treatment of those with ALL.

  6. 15-11-2016 | Acute lymphoblastic leukemia | Book chapter | Article

    Therapeutic management of acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    The CD19 BiTE antibody blinatumomab is composed of CD19- and CD3-binding portions and links T cells to CD19+ ALL cells.

  7. 26-01-2017 | Hematologic cancers | Editorial | Article

    Immunotherapy comes of age in blood cancers

    Blinatumomab has two antibody-biding sites, a CD3 site for T cells, and a CD19 site for the malignant B cells.

  8. 03-11-2015 | Hematologic cancers | Article

    Novel immunotherapies in lymphoid malignancies

    Transient B-cell aplasia and resulting hypogammaglobulinaemia have been reported in patients treated with blinatumomab. 110 Predictive markers of neurological adverse events of blinatumomab have been explored.

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