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  1. 13-06-2019 | Non-small-cell lung cancer | News | Article

    BLU-667 active against RET fusion-positive advanced NSCLC

    Phase I data indicate that the selective RET inhibitor BLU-667 elicits durable responses and is well tolerated by individuals with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer harboring a RET fusion.

  2. 30-09-2021 | EMA | News | Article

    Pralsetinib receives nod from EMA for use in RET-positive NSCLC

    This decision by the EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use follows positive findings of the RET receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor (previously known as BLU-667) in this patient population in the pivotal phase 1/2 ARROW study .

  3. 19-04-2018 | Medullary thyroid carcinoma | News | Article

    Targeted inhibitor shows potential for RET-altered solid tumors

    BLU-667 also has “favorable tolerability,” he added.

  4. 30-04-2018 | RET inhibitors | News | Article

    More evidence for selective RET inhibition in RET-altered cancers

    BLU-667 showed promising activity in the trial, with 18 of 40 evaluable patients achieving an objective response at data cutoff.

  5. 18-09-2020 | FDA | News | Article

    Pralsetinib gets FDA go-ahead for RET fusion-positive lung cancer

    Click through to read more

  6. 01-06-2019 | Lung cancer | Video | Article

    Expert highlights: Lung cancer at ASCO 2019

    Advisory Board member Ross Camidge comments on his picks for the most exciting lung cancer research being presented at the 2019 ASCO Annual Meeting, including the RELAY trial and the ARROW trial of the RET inhibitor BLU-667 (3:13).

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