DOI: 10.1055/s-00000012


Issue 08 · Volume 41 · August 2009 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-20228

Original article

Dekker, E.; Boparai, K. S.; Poley, J. W.; Mathus-Vliegen, E. M. H.; Offerhaus, G. J. A.; Kuipers, E. J.; Fockens, P.; Dees, J.: High resolution endoscopy and the additional value of chromoendoscopy in the evaluation of duodenal adenomatosis in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis
Isomoto, H.; Nishiyama, H.; Yamaguchi, N.; Fukuda, E.; Ishii, H.; Ikeda, K.; Ohnita, K.; Nakao, K.; Kohno, S.; Shikuwa, S.: Clinicopathological factors associated with clinical outcomes of endoscopic submucosal dissection for colorectal epithelial neoplasms
Kubo, H.; Nakamura, K.; Itaba, S.; Yoshinaga, S.; Kinukawa, N.; Sadamoto, Y.; Ito, T.; Yonemasu, H.; Takayanagi, R.: Differential diagnosis of cystic tumors of the pancreas by endoscopic ultrasonography
Arvanitakis, M.; Hookey, L.; Tessier, G.; Demetter, P.; Nagy, N.; Stellke, A.; De Maertelaer, V.; Devière, J.; Le Moine, O.: Intraductal optical coherence tomography during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for investigation of biliary strictures
Eickhoff, A.; Koberstein, S.; Rothsching, M.; Gemmel, C.; Eickhoff, J. C.; Riemann, J. F.; Enderle, M. D.: Fragmentation of bile duct stones: a prospective systematic in vitro evaluation of argon plasma coagulation, cryotechnology, and water-jet technology


Case report

Mönkemüller, K.; Neumann, H.; Meyer, F.; Kuhn, R.; Malfertheiner, P.; Fry, L. C.: A retrospective analysis of emergency double-balloon enteroscopy for small-bowel bleeding
Gonzalez, J. M.; Ezzedine, S.; Vitton, V.; Grimaud, J. C.; Barthet, M.: Endoscopic ultrasound treatment of vascular complications in acute pancreatitis

Special article

Aabakken, Lars; Rembacken, Bjorn; LeMoine, Olivier; Kuznetsov, Konstantin; Rey, Jean-Francois; Rösch, Thomas; Eisen, Glen; Cotton, Peter; Fujino, Masayuki: Minimal standard terminology for gastrointestinal endoscopy –MST 3.0

Letters to the editor


