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Medicine Matters oncology

National Taiwan University, Taipei City, Taiwan

James Chih-Hsin Yang received his MD in 1986 from the National Taiwan University (NTU) and completed his PhD degree at the Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, NTU, in 2000. His first internal medicine residency was at the NTU Hospital and, between 1992 and 1995, he undertook medical oncology fellowship training at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. He is currently the Director and Distinguished Professor of the Graduate Institute of Oncology at NTU, the Director of the Department of Oncology at the NTU Hospital, and Director of Development and Planning at the new NTU Cancer Center.

Dr Yang’s research focuses on lung cancer treatment and the mechanism of multidrug resistance to chemotherapy and targeted therapy. Dr Yang is a leader in lung cancer clinical studies, particularly in new drug development for lung cancer treatment. With other investigators he established EGFR TKIs as the front-line treatment for lung cancer patients with EGFR mutations (IPASS), and was the principle investigator of several studies that led to the global approval of second and third generation EGFR TKIs.

He has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, such as the New England Journal of MedicineThe Lancet Oncology and Journal of Clinical Oncology, and served on the editorial board of Annals of Oncology and Lung Cancer. He is the current associate editor of Journal of Thoracic Oncology and Nature Scientific Reports.

Dr Yang has been the recipient of many distinguished awards. He received the 2nd Kobayashi Foundation Cancer Research Award from the Asian Clinical Oncology Society in 2012, the Taiwan National Science Council award (2012–2015), the TECO award for biotechnology in 2015, and the research award from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (2016-2018). He is currently serving on the Board of Directors for the IASLC until 2021.